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The student news site of Stillwater Area High School

The Pony Express

The student news site of Stillwater Area High School

The Pony Express

The student news site of Stillwater Area High School

The Pony Express

There is a poster with pictures from the new movie "Lonely Planet".

Netflix movie ‘Lonely Planet’ tops charts

Brooke Hanselman, Online Editor December 2, 2024

Netflix's top 10 chart strikes gold again. Their new movie at the top of the charts called "Lonely Planet" balances heartbreak and self-discovery throughout. This new movie focuses on non-traditional relationships,...

Jennifer Norton is scrolling through social media at the kitchen table. She agreed that phones and social media are addicting, causing her to be less productive in her every day life.

Smartphones cause addictions in young teens

Pony Express Staff February 22, 2023

Smartphones have proven to be addicting for many people. Phones and social media strip people away from reality, keeping them out of touch with the world around them. In addition, addictions to smartphones...

A vape/electronic cigarette is pictured. Devices such as the one above, are popular among teenagers to deliver vape juices. Many of which contain nicotine. For assistance with addiction stop by the the Wellness Center located at Stillwater Area High School. One can also call Smoker's Helpline, 1-800-363-5864, to receive phone side advice and information about addiction treatment .

Addiction always comes with vaping

Isaak Sahulka, Layout Editor October 22, 2019

  When people vape, they vape nicotine. Even if it is vape juice that says 0 mg of nicotine, there are traces of nicotine still found in some juices. Nicotine is a drug that is highly addictive...

A nicotine flyer hangs near popular bathrooms, visible to students walking by. The flyer portrays the threatening risks of vaping as a teenager.

Vaping illness epidemic continues to spread

Ella Nelson, Copy Editor October 20, 2019

Vaping is undoubtedly known by almost every high school student in the U.S. It is no secret this is a substantial threatening problem across the country, however many students are not taking vaping...

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