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The student news site of Stillwater Area High School

The Pony Express

The student news site of Stillwater Area High School

The Pony Express

The student news site of Stillwater Area High School

The Pony Express

IPPC claims support of global warming

Alec Youngblood June 2, 2014

Global warming and climate change have been highly debated topics over the past several decades and now the United Nations has released its public opinion. Only meeting once or twice per decade, the Intergovernmental...

Required back-up cameras will prevent accidents

Danny Ekstrand May 21, 2014

The revolution of the car is a never ending process, always changing and developing new products to make the car safer, sleeker and more accommodating. First, there was the horse and buggie and that soon...

Photo by Kelly Roehrig
As the years go on, Advanced Placement (AP) students have gone from an elite selection of the schools top students to incredibly common. And while these classes do a great job of preparing students for college, they are not right for everyone and can cause immense stress.

AP classes are becoming standard for students

Jasmine Hearne May 21, 2014

Spines bent under the weight of a dozen textbooks, splitting the seams of their backpack, balancing two extra color coded notebooks in one hand, while frantically trying to flip through notecards in the...

Graphic by Paul Hudachek

Recalls continue to torment General Motors

Tim Press May 21, 2014

On May 1 1919, workers at the first General Motors assembly plant in Janesville, Wis. rolled out their first tractor as part of the company’s then-active Samson Tractor Division. One world war and an...

Palcohol will increase alcohol abuse

Jessica Thomas, Editor-in-Chief May 21, 2014

After years of trial and error and consulting with scientists from all over the world, Mark Phillips completed the task he set out to do. He successfully created, Palcohol. Palcohol is powder alcohol....

Graphic by Clara Ilkka Naked Juice has received lawsuits about allegations about not being 100 percent natural juice.

Naked Juice bares all in lawsuit

Ahnika Kroll May 21, 2014

In recent decades, as fast food on the market has gone down in both price and natural content, a large chunk of Americans have fought the urge to conform to the ever-deteriorating health of the society...

Graphic by Clara Ilkka  New York officials are implementing a pre-K proposal for all students.v

New New York pre-k program has potential

Ryan Longnecker May 21, 2014

In the United States, the average child starts public schooling at five years old. That is their entrance into kindergarten and a whole new life. They are there to learn all kinds of new, unimaginable...

Graphic by Paul Hudachek

Conversion therapy hinders Bachmann’s career

Virginia Valenshout May 8, 2014

Despite a major step forward for equality with gay marriage, the alleged use of conversion therapy in Tennessee and Arizona public schools have had drastic responses.  Conversion therapy, also known as...

TSA should increase measures to prevent unwanted passengers

Alex Pierson May 6, 2014

Within the last seven months, two children have managed to fly across the nation without an airplane ticket and were not stopped and questioned by airport security. Is the TSA taking enough caution to...

Graphic by Kelly Roehrig

Gap years provide educational opportunities

Lucy Langmack May 5, 2014

Over the years, a new tradition has emerged for students to leave their current lives at home and take a gap year. They can travel the world for volunteer work or simply pursue a passion set aside from...

Graphic by Clara Ilkka

Bitcoin makes possitive steps towards global currency

Nick Wicker April 17, 2014

The dollar is currently at its lowest value in the history of the United States. This has rightfully created concern, and people (not only in America, but around the globe), are searching for the next...

Graphic by Emily Lodahl

Venues have good reason for age restrictions

Orjana Stephien April 16, 2014

Nothing is more disappointing to teenagers than to have their favorite band of all time come to town, and going online to buy tickets, only to find out that there is an age restriction for anyone under...

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