How streaming services can become the next movie theatre
September 28, 2020
Ever since the introduction of “streaming”, movie theatres have been in a struggle against them to keep themselves alive. Why pay $30 everytime you go to a theatre to watch one movie when you can pay $10-20 a month to watch thousands of movies and shows?
“The convenience of home is nice as I can get up and get food, bathroom breaks, pause the movie, etc. whenever I want” said Debbie Drew, SAHS Theatre Production Teacher. With each passing year, more streaming services are announced, with cheaper prices, larger selection, and more options on where you can use them.

Most people can certainly agree on the convenience of streaming. Studies have shown that movies gross nearly 20% more revenue when released via an online streaming service rather than being released in theatres. It’s far more simple and easier to use rather than going to the theatre, especially now. “Hollywood is clearly a for-profit industry. Anything that makes them money will continue” said Paul Weiland, English Teacher and Coach for Stillwater Area High School.
Due to COVID-19, theatres have had to temporarily close and are losing a lot of revenue. Only recently have the theatres reopened and are barely making it by. Meanwhile, streaming services have never been more popular. “It will be very hard on the movie theatres for sure. They were struggling before all of this, now I think it is going to be hard for movie theatre to survive.” mentioned Debbie Drew, Theatre Production Teacher.
There is some hope however, with the release of new films in the theatre such as Bill and Ted, Tenet and the anticipation of more being released in theatres soon. Rather than films being just released straight to on demand services, movies have also been released to theatres recently and patrons are slowly returning to the theatre.
Unfortunately, the biggest problem movie theatres seem to be struggling with is that health experts say that it’s too early for movie theatres to reopen. The COVID-19 cases in the past few months haven’t gone down. If anything, reopening theatres could put people at risk for more cases to open up. Being stuck inside a room with a poor ventilation system for 2-3 hours with 10-20 people that are periodically wearing masks, seems like it could be a recipe for disaster. But, theatre companies don’t really have a choice, they have to reopen soon or they run the risk of going out of business, which is why they have set up precautions. Adequate seat distancing, asking patrons to avoid buying drinks and food so masks can stay on and thorough cleanings are all tactics intended to make the occupants safe. Movie theatres also have to restrict seat space in order to distance everyone, meaning that even less people won’t be able to see a movie right away. But implementing these precautions can also be a double edged sword. Theatre operators ultimately make less money. “I already don’t go to the theatre often, but I know that there are people who enjoy the in person experience of going to the theatre. I don’t think cinemas need to shut down, but I do think they need to be innovative and figure out ways to get people to come.” said Tim Roser, our Physical Science Teacher.

Health experts have found better ways to enjoy going to the theatre and while also not being at one. The most obvious one would be staying home and watching on your TV. Another solution would be to go to a drive-in theatre where cars are parked parallel into a space in front of a giant movie screen to watch it with everyone else while staying at a safe distance. “Theatres are going to have to be more and more about creating a unique and engaging experience surrounding a movie whether that is a food experience or some kind of improved audience experience.” said Tim Roser, Physical Science Teacher.
Some people might think of this as a sign, or maybe some people who don’t watch movies or aren’t as interested might see this as good. Of course, streaming is far more accessible and much cheaper, than going to the theatre. That doesn’t necessarily mean that it’s better. Paul Weiland, our English teacher mentioned that “I will dearly miss theaters and losing them will change cinema as an art form.” One may say that there is nothing like going to the movie theatre for a momentary escape. Especially today. There is nothing like seeing how the audience reacts to something that happens on screen. The silence and tension of watching a horror movie, the cheering and yelling of a big reveal, the thrill you get watching an action movie, or fans of a series coming together to watch a movie adaptation of their favorite show. Yes, watching something by using a streaming service is easier, more affordable, and more accessible, but the theatre offers a tried and true movie watching experience like no other.
“Old theatres are irreplaceable. They could never be duplicated at today’s costs – but more importantly, their spirit could not be duplicated because they remind us of a day when going to the show was a more glorious and escapist experience. I think a town’s old theatres are the sanctuary of its dreams.”- Roger Ebert