Accepting undocumented immigrants is one thing, giving them money is another

New York welcomes undocumented immigrants with money and education. The Dream Act was passed in New York on Jan. 23. The act aids undocumented immigrants in education in rebuke to Trump. This is not a solution and this is not the way New York should deal with undocumented immigrants.
The Dream Act stands for development, relief, and education for alien minors act. This bill allows immigrants to receive financial aid for their educational purposes.
The Dream Act will affect an estimated 146,000 young people who are educated in New York public schools but have been eligible to receive financial aid.
“I think that educating all individuals in the United States is always a great thing. And we have to provide public education systems for all,” World History teacher Brady Hannigan explained.
Everyone in the United States should have an education, but everyone should have to pay the same price for it.
The Dream Act has been present in America for almost 10 years. The original dream act was passed in 2010.
California, Colorado, Connecticut, Florida, Illinois, Kansas, Maryland, Minnesota, Nebraska, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Oklahoma, Oregon, Rhode Island, Texas, Utah and Washington all have passed the Dream Act and have applied it to their colleges and schooling.
“It is obviously helping the immigrants and people that apply but not anyone else,” junior Halle Hauler said.
It took years to perfect this bill according to the original people who proposed the bill. The Senate by Senator Orrin Hatch and a Republican from Utah originally made this bill. In order to be eligible to receive the financial help from the states, a person needs have been in the country for five years and have completed high school education. It does not matter if the person if undocumented or illegal in the U.S.
In September 2017, Trump tried to cancel the Dream Act. When Trump ran for the presidency in 2015 he had announced that he will terminate the Dream Act, according to The Progressive.
“Our government does not even give U.S. citizens money to pay for their college, and now we are going to give undocumented immigrants money when they are not even apart of the United States,” *Emily Fields said.
Letting illegal undocumented immigrants into the country is one thing, but giving them money and providing education for them is another story. Immigrants should be able to come into America but they need to work for everything they get.
*This name has been changed to protect the student’s identity

My name is Emma Stansbury I am a junior and I am a distribution reporter for the SJHS pony express. I like to play volleyball for fun with my friends....