‘On the Basis of Sex’ inspires a new generation
“On the Basis of Sex” shows at the Uptown Theater in Minneapolis. The film had a limited premiere on Dec. 25 and will have a wide release on Jan. 11. The film features actors such as Felicity Jones and Armie Hammer.
December 31, 2018
Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg inspires a new generation with the film “On The Basis Of Sex”. Set in the 1970s, at a time when discrimination on the basis of sex was legal, Ginsburg fights to change the law.
The film premieres in a limited release Dec. 25 in line with Justice Ginsburg’s 25th anniversary serving on the Supreme Court. The film made $1.5 million in its first six days of release. Featuring a range of famous actors including Felicity Jones as Ginsburg herself, and Armie Hammer portraying Ginsburg’s husband, Marty Ginsburg, it tells the story of Ginsburg’s gender discrimination case she brought to the U.S Court of Appeals.
“She stands up for what she believes in, which is really inspiring,” said sophomore Emma Bourne who is also a member of the Young Democrats club.
A new song by Kesha called “Here Comes the Change” is included in the soundtrack. Kesha was picked specifically by director Mimi Leder to write the song because of her influence and voice in society today. The script was written by Ginsburg’s nephew, Daniel Stiepleman.
Filming of the movie started at the rise of the #MeToo movement and only pushed the actors to perform at their best. To be able to understand what Ruth has been through to make women heard, gives the movie more weight.
“People are starting to realize how relevant and how important this movement really is, and that feminism isn’t just about women over men, but it’s about equality…That we are all in the same playing field,” Bourne said.
The film provided a new view into Ginsburg’s world, showing her years of law school then jumping to her years of teaching. Jones portrayed Ginsburg’s strength and determination in a professional and excellent manner. The script was well-written, and even in some of the weaker scenes Jones and Hammer pulled through effortlessly.
“The actors were good and were very committed…at the end, I was actually nervous, obviously she was going to win, but I was like ‘oh no’,” junior Rachel Bernath said.
Although the movie is a force to be reconded with, there is a chance of getting lost with all of the legal terms and ways of the courts. With the fast pace it is hard to know exactly what is happening at all times, but when it slows down it becomes easy to catch up and understand the situation.
“The beginning was really slow and spread out and then it’s just like boom everything at once, but it was still good,” Bernath said.
As a whole, the movie was a wonderful production. From the accuracy of the time periods and social situations to the acting and cinematography. “On the Basis of Sex” was a ride of emotions that pulls at your heartstrings, as Ruth Bader Ginsburg fights for her place in the world.