‘Thank U, Next’ by Ariana Grande promotes self love
Junior Allie Smith listens to Grande’s new song. It has been at the number one spot of the Top 100 Billboard Charts for two consecutive weeks.
December 17, 2018
Ariana Grande’s new hit song, Thank U, Next, got her to the number one slot of the Top 100 Billboard Charts for the first time in her career. Celebrities everywhere are applauding her for releasing this song promoting self-love, confidence and girl power. Teenage girls around the world are going to social media to express their gratitude towards Grande for her recently released song.
The new hit single begins by Ariana thanking all her exes and summarizing the overall relationships. Those mentioned include Big Sean, Ricky Alvarez and her ex-fiance Pete Davidson. Grande also thanks the late Mac Miller for being an angel throughout their two-year relationship. She goes on to sing about what each relationship taught her and how she has already found someone else to love: herself.
Grande has had a rough time within the past few years. She has had to persevere through a bombing at her concert in Manchester, her ex-boyfriend passing away, and a failed engagement. Throughout it all, she has come out on top and this song only further proves that.
“It sort of makes it better for other people who have gone through similar things,” junior Sophie Browning explained, “because they see themselves those are temporary.”
Her current heartbreak did not leave her defeated, but rather empowered. She chose to use her feelings in a positive way. She wrote this anthem for young girls listening everywhere.
“She talks about loving herself and how she’s the best for herself right now instead of filling the void with another guy,” junior Alli Kelm added.
In Grande’s song, she explains that in her relationships, she has learned love, patience, and pain, but how she still turned out amazing. This emotion can only be explained by one thing, a newfound commitment to self-love.
“Self-love is being happy and taking care of yourself,” freshman Ava Baggenstoss said.
Ariana Grande is using the lessons she has learned in life to teach others. She wants others to know that no matter what people go through, they can use the experience as something good to change themselves for the better.
“No matter how bad your life can be it is possible to be happy and move on to be successful,” Browning said.
This new song is important to young girls everywhere. When you have powerful, female role models such as Ariana Grande, growing up can seem a lot easier. The messages she is putting into the world matter, they can make a difference.
“It shows young girls like me it is important to not be afraid, to be ok with focusing on yourself,” Baggenstoss explained.
There has been slight controversy over her decision to use her ex-boyfriends’ names in her song. She has stated, however, that she got permission and they were all able to listen to the song before it was released.
“I think this is one of her biggest songs because nobody really talks about their exes like that in a song,” Kelm added.
Celebrities are known for using relationships and past experiences to inspire them in their work. Her ex-fiance, Pete Davidson, has been using comedy on his show, Saturday Night Live, to get through the breakup. Grande has every right to do the same.
In the song, she says she is grateful for the experiences with those people. “It is just a way to cope with hardship and bad things,” Browning explained.
Whether or not you are a fan of Ariana Grande, no one can deny the positive impact her new song is sending into the world. Whatever people go through in life, it is necessary to remember to have self-love.
Mason Lacy • Jan 4, 2019 at 6:11 pm
In the past I’ve gotten somewhat of that self love idea, but reading this really brings that out and gives me insight on how the song really does bring the idea of self-love out. I love that you put emphasis on that in your writing.
Lilly Sample • Jan 4, 2019 at 9:09 am
Great article Julia! I love the way you went about writing this story, there is a great structure to it and you went deeper than just the song. You did a really good job getting quotes about the song and adding them to the story in the most effective places.
Grant Erickson • Jan 4, 2019 at 8:10 am
Writing about music is like dancing about architecture, so good job on that. I think that discussing the songs message is an interesting angle to take that enhances the story. The quotes do a good job of gauging general opinions about the song.
Benjamin Jacobs • Jan 4, 2019 at 12:01 am
This article was well written and the quotes helped to show what a general population might be thinking about the song. It would have been interesting in my opinion to see what guys think about the song or what staff think to get a wider variety of opinions. Otherwise this was well done and a solid read.
emma urban • Jan 3, 2019 at 10:11 pm
This story was written very well and got your point across clearly. I really liked the supports you used and how you went into detail about her song lyrics. This article is very uplifting and shows how much of a impact this song has made in peoples lives.
Matt Moore • Jan 3, 2019 at 8:43 pm
Great job Julia! Loved reading this article I can tell you put a lot of time and research into the article. Great use of emotion and detail. With this being a popular topic about Pete and Ariana’s break up I was able to connect well with the story.
Hannah Sween • Jan 3, 2019 at 9:08 am
Loved this article, very heartwarming and uplifting! This article is very well researched and well written, great job Julia! My only comment would be that the comment about Pete Davidson talking about their breakup is somewhat choppy and could be more effective earlier in the article. Overall, very well done!
Sierra Hippel • Jan 3, 2019 at 9:01 am
This story does a great job at reaching out to teen girls and telling how self love can be shown through the celebrities that we look up to. It’s awesome to see what other girls our age have to say about it as well. It is organized very well by it’s different topics starting with Ariana herself and moving onto the topics of self love and more.
Amy McElin • Jan 3, 2019 at 8:27 am
You did an amazing job capturing different teens emotions on the subject. It show the impact the song had on people around the world while teaching the readers something new.
Elsa Persson • Jan 3, 2019 at 8:06 am
This is a brilliant article! It really captures the impact of the song and displays Ariana Grande’s background well. I agree with your claim that the song is empowering to women, since it contrasts the common societal idea that women should turn to men for support and can rather feel strong within themselves. Again, excellent job!
Kyra O'Loughlin • Jan 3, 2019 at 8:02 am
The whole mood of your article was really positive and I liked how your quotes added to that. The way you organized the article was very clean while still flowing well.
Ellsa Ohmann • Jan 2, 2019 at 6:31 pm
I love the honesty in this article, the promotion of self love/care and putting yourself first. The display of information was very organized, and very well put together
marlee mcguire • Jan 2, 2019 at 10:48 am
I love how this article talks about women empowerment and self love. The quotes really add to the story and facts.
Paige Speedling • Dec 21, 2018 at 10:27 am
I like how you used the topic of self love and all of the quotes said something different and never said the same thing twice. I like how you were able to explain everything clearly and effectively.
Paige Speedling • Dec 21, 2018 at 10:25 am
I like how you used the topic of self love throughout the story to tie the story together. The quotes were really good and made the article really relatable. I like how your were able to explain the quotes without writing a ton and that all the quotes said something else and never said the same thing twice.
Grace Silbernick • Dec 21, 2018 at 9:19 am
This article really plays to the emotion of the reader and flows great. The quotes are placed perfectly to capture the attention of the reader and pull them in. I felt like your explanation of the song and its true meaning was really great and can resonate with so many people. Great article!
Hannah Genosky • Dec 21, 2018 at 9:19 am
I really love this article because it is empowering girls. This is a super good song so seeing an article written on it is super cool. Julia did a great job with her paragraphs going into depth about the lyrics and talking about who her exes were. The song is a super empowering song for girls showing them that they do not have to be defeated after a breakup but rather write a song about it. I agreed with the people she interviewed talking about how she says most people don’t talk about their exes in this way. Julia did a great job on this story!
Jordyn Levasseur • Dec 21, 2018 at 8:21 am
I loved the way you used self-love and girl empowerment as a claim. I agree when I heard the song I thought it was catchy, but when I listened to the song I felt kind of empowered in a sense. You did an amazing job with your fact and quote paragraphs. You definitely had a strong lead and a strong conclusion. You also did a great job using different types of quotes. It showed what people had to say and how they said it. Over-all I enjoyed the story.