Prom committee prepares for a great year
The shops in downtown Stillwater are already preparing for the prom season, as are the prom committee at the high school. Even with months between now and prom, people are still getting excited for one of the most important nights of the year.
January 24, 2014
There are still many months remaining until the Stillwater Area High School’s prom, but even so, the prom committee is working hard to prepare the best celebration it can for students. While most high-schoolers still have months ahead of them before they have to think about what dress to buy or who to ask out for the night, the prom committee is dedicated to preparing in advance for what the popular media portrays as one of the best nights of most people’s teenage years.
Waking up early every other Tuesday to meet as a group, the prom committee gathers to discuss and deliberate on all of the important details of prom. These students have a great deal of control over every aspect of prom, planning for everything from venue to invitations.
About 20 dedicated prom committee members work to plan the prom for over 900 attendees. While other clubs tend not to affect such a large percentage of the school’s students, the prom committee’s work influences nearly every student in a major way. The committee has been meeting since the beginning of the year and has been making many decisions already.
“Surprisingly, there is a lot going on in Prom Committee right now, even though it’s early. We just finished officer elections. Right now we are trying to decide on a theme. We have it narrowed down to three and will probably vote to decide the theme next meeting, which will be after break,” said senior Andi Markham.
This year’s potential prom themes are Great Gatsby, Hollywood red carpet or masquerade. The prom committee is particular about which theme they choose.
“Everyone on prom committee gives ideas and we make a list of them then all vote on the top three, then we form three groups and each group is assigned a theme. They have to make power points on the theme to present to everyone then once all of them have been presented we vote on our favorite one,” explained senior Maddie Lehman.
In addition to choosing a theme, the prom committee is currently working on other new and exciting things to make this year’s prom even better than the last.
“This year prom is going to be really great. We’ve got a lot of fun ideas. There will not be a grand march at the high school. It might be at the Myth if we do end up using that as the venue, and it looks like that’s what we will be doing,” said Markham.
The new venue at the Myth is an exciting change of scenery for the Stillwater prom.
“The Myth will be a really great place to have it because it’s a big venue and we get the whole parking lot and it’s not as far of a drive. We won’t have to worry about running into any non-promers because everyone there will be there for the prom. We might have vendors there to sell something like smoothies, pizza, or some type of refreshment during the dance,” commented Markham.
Senior Autumn Nyenhuis agreed, saying, “There are many exciting things about this year’s prom, but what I’m most excited about is that we are going to be having it at Myth. We’ve rented out the entire Myth building which will allow for a lot of creativity and fun in regards to decorations.”
While the prom committee is working hard, they are also having a good time together and carrying on the legacy of all the committees that came before them, continuing the tradition of Stillwater prom.
“It’s very fun because you get to be a part of all the choosing of everything that’s at prom. I joined because my older sister talked about it all the time and it sounded really great,” said Lehman.
With the year not yet half way through, it seems that the prom committee has already laid the groundwork for an excellent celebration in the spring. Students excited for prom in the following months will not be let down.
“We’re working very hard to make prom a very special event and we encourage everyone to let us know if they have any suggestions or concerns on how to make this year spectacular!” said Markham.
Madeline Ek • Feb 19, 2014 at 5:23 am
This article explained everything I had been wondering! It was organized nice and neat everything was straight forward! Very enjoyable to read.
Lucy Langmack • Feb 19, 2014 at 3:01 am
I loved the variety of interviews! You used people from the committee and students who plan to attend! It was very informative and presented a positive attitude towards the new location of prom! Good job!
Kenzie Monson • Feb 19, 2014 at 2:57 am
This was a well written article because it was very informative and had things that students want to know. The quotes were great and overall very enjoyable.
Andrea Rustad • Feb 19, 2014 at 2:51 am
This article was very interesting to read, and very timely as well because around this time is when people start thinking about prom. So it is nice to see what the people in charge of prom have to say and what they are working on. I really liked your quotes; they added a lot of depth and interest and they were very well-informed.
Katie Wilmes • Feb 19, 2014 at 2:00 am
This article was really informative and provided clarity on some of the major components of prom (the venue, theme, etc.). Also, I think it was really smart how all three of the interviews were from people who are actually having influence on the decisions as opposed to a few people saying, “I’m excited for prom!” Overall, a good article.
Katelyn Weisbrod • Feb 14, 2014 at 1:59 pm
I liked this article because it told me things I was wondering about prom. I heard rumors that it was at Myth and that Gatsby was a potential theme but it’s nice to know for sure. This was a well written and informative article