Amazon proposes near-instant delivery

Nicole Loe

Amazon has come up with a technological breakthrough, one that could potentially change how we order things online. Amazon Prime Air has come up with an Amazon Drone, a new way to drop off packages right at buyers’ doorsteps within 30 minutes of a purchase.

The Amazon Drone creates a more convenient and faster shipping process, for many items, but not all.

What happens during the process is that the Drone, known as an octocopter, actually has the ability to fly and bring the package to the location. The drone will distribute within a 10 mile radius at first, and eventually, with the improvement of technology, grow to a greater radius.

Graphic by Clara Ilkka

Although the technology is not ready yet, Amazon is very optimistic that within the next four to five years we will be able to reach this level of technology and overall change the way we order things online.

There are some worries about this new technology. The possibilities of severe weather situations could lead to a potential delay for an order, or even destroy an octocopter. There is also the dilemma that the Drone may only be able to carry five pounds, eliminating the possibility of bigger packages being sent to homes.

Amazon’s release was a big surprise to many people. Amazon’s CEO, Jeff Bezos released the octocopter drones on 60 Minutes. The release of the drones was unexpected and an out-of-the-box invention. “If you can guess what it is, then…I will give you half my fortune and send you to Vegas with it,” said Bezos. When the drones were unveiled, it caused a shock to all people witnessing the new technology.

Before 60 Minutes, Charlie Rose was one of the first people to witness the reveal, and was stunned. He simply exclaimed “Oh my god.” when he saw the drones, thinking it looked very different from what was usually revealed.

Although most people are excited about this new invention, some people believe that it will never work. “The Drones are too small and unreliable,” said Nicholas Lund, author of “Birds will attack Amazon’s Delivery Drones.”

There are some worries that if the technology is not perfected, it could harm humans and cause injuries. The drones could also end up colliding with each other if there are numerous drones in the air, causing more injuries as well, but Amazon believes they can overcome those obstacles to create a new and different invention.

Meera Dolasia, author of “Will An Amazon Drone Be Delivering Anytime Soon? You decide!” states,“The one thing that everyone does agree upon is that if anybody can pull it off, it will be Jeff Bezos, the visionary that transformed a simple online bookstore into one of the world’s biggest retailers.”