An eternal winter in ‘Frozen’ still melts the hearts of the audience

“Frozen” premiered Nov. 27, 2013 and reached the top box office results with 19.5 Million dollars. Olaf, the lovable snowman sidekick, was described as silly and entertaining.
January 13, 2014
Having the power to create an eternal winter would not come in handy here in Minnesota, but Elsa lives in the kingdom of Arendelle and has icy powers that got a little out of control. She accidentally cast an eternal winter on her kingdom.
The new Disney film, “Frozen,” captures the story of two sisters, one fearless and one living in fear, and their battle to save their kingdom.
“The relationship between the sisters is actually believable, me and my sister interact like that,” said junior Emmy Smith about how realistic the movie was.
Banishing herself to isolation, Elsa fears there is nothing that can help her. Anna is not so convinced. She battles the elements with her friend, Kristoff, to find her sister and end the everlasting winter.
“If I lived in a situation where there was an everlasting winter, I would just stay inside forever. Anna is a rock star for trying to save the kingdom,” said senior Megan Letkeman.
The film was very popular among children and teenagers alike. “Tangled” was adored by teens and they seem to be reacting even more enthusiasticly to “Frozen.” This is a large feat. considering “Tangled” is still getting raved about.
“’Tangled’ came out and it was my absolute favorite movie, now I can’t decide which one I like more,” said Smith.
It has not only been compared to Rapunzel’s tale though, almost everyone seems to be accepting and loving the new addition to the family of classic Disney princesses. The strong females in the movie are great role models and can be compared to those in previous movies.
“The message was kind of like ‘Mulan’s’ saying that females don’t always need handsome princes to save them, they can save themselves,” said Letkeman.
Other people still loved “Frozen” but prefer other Disney movies. Despite its captivating plot, great dialogue and great animation features, it is not everyone’s favorite. Not even out of the more recent Disney films.
“Frozen was good but Tangled will always be better,” said senior Melissa Weegman.
A key element in “Frozen” that people seemed to really enjoy was a loveable and naive snowman named Olaf. He is the main source of comedy in the film, tagging along on Anna’s journey to save her sister.
“I loved when Olaf was talking about how he wanted summer and heat, not knowing what would happen to him,” said Smith on her favorite part of the movie.
There is a lot to love about “Frozen,” it could touch a little part of anybody’s heart. Take a young child, grandmother or angsty teen this is truly a movie for all ages. It is guaranteed to bring a smile to anyone’s face.