Mitchell fills big shoes with choir
Choir director Angela Mitchell is following in the footsteps of Erik “Doc” Christiansen in directing The Stillwater Choir.
The Stillwater Choir is a large ensemble of high level singers that has been conducted by Erik Christiansen since 1988. With the announcement of his retirement last spring, came a lot of confusion as to who would be taking over. Going into her 20th year at Stillwater, Mitchell decided to take on the challenge.
“This is a very prominent job,” Mitchell said. “People who I don’t know, know who I am because you conduct the Stillwater Choir or you conduct Belle Chanter. There’s some pressure in that because I can’t be Doc and I don’t want to be, and I know he wouldn’t want me to be.”
In Mitchell’s second year working here she created Belle Chanter, an all women’s audition choir, and it has become a great success. She didn’t just create it for the fun of it.
Mitchell said, “It changed the mindset of these students who were in this ensemble, they had auditioned and they had made it.” But with taking over Doc’s position, she did not have enough time to continue conducting both choirs.
Last May, Katelyn Larson was hired as the new director of Belle Chanter. Most would think giving up something that has been created and shaped throughout many years would be heartbreaking, but Mitchell has had a different look at it.
“I thought I would feel so sad and so horrible, but I sit here and I see the joy that’s going on in the rehearsal and I’m so relieved and I’m so happy for them. It turned out to be another thing that I thought was going to be really hard and has not been,” Mitchell said.
Making this transition is a big deal not just for the staff, but also for the students. Christiansen had a large impact on many returning member’s lives, and having to adapt to a new teaching style can be difficult. While Mitchell is an amazing and well experienced instructor, she presents different ways of teaching than Doc.
Senior Nicole Buchman, president of the concert choir said, “Ms. Mitchell is doing fantastic! I had never sung under her before so I had no idea what to expect. She definitely is encouraging to the Stillwater choir to work for greatness. I don’t think it could be going any better.”
With this new change also come new experiences and excitement. Things are looking up for the choir this year and they have quite a bit in store. From huge things like performing live on the radio to smaller things like the elementary festival . Everyone in this choir works incredibly hard because they are all so passionate about what they do.
Senior Jacob Lagus, vice president of the concert choir said, “Part of the beauty of music lies in sharing it with other people and it brings me great joy to perform. It is such a memorable experience to be a part of such a great ensemble.”

Kalley Lewis is a copy editor for the Pony Express. She is a junior and enjoys communicating and interacting with others. She is involved in the Stillwater...
Elise Luoma • Nov 11, 2016 at 6:31 pm
As someone who is a part of The Stillwater Choir, it has been a pleasure getting to work with Ms. Mitchell. She has unique ways of teaching and it has been a great transition between “Doc” last year and Ms. Mitchell. This article is well written and includes interesting information!