Staff Editorial: social media becomes popular news outlet because of technology advacements
April 28, 2016

The 21st century has brought about many changes to the world of technology. Social media websites such as Twitter, Instagram or even Snapchat are being used by millions of people around the globe, but these sites are still trying to evolve and keep up with the ever changing world. Social media certainly is not dead, but it does not look like it is advancing fast enough. It seems teenagers use social media for less conventional reasons than just reading the news or wishing someone a happy birthday. In an age where communication is key, the faster and easier you can do it, the more powerful you become.
The popular website Twitter is used by students at the high school to view different sources of news. Many believe it is an easier alternative to turning on the TV and flipping through channels until you find something that interests you. Students view Twitter as both a source of entertainment and a source for news but the entertainment aspect is what seems to attract so many users worldwide.
According to, Twitter currently has over 974 million accounts on it, though not all are active. Practically anyone can use Twitter and thus it comes as no surprise that the site contains plenty of differing opinions. Twitter fights have become an easy way for people to voice their opinions with little to no repercussions in the real world.

Whilst Twitter is a good source of entertainment and banter, Instagram and Snapchat are typically used to keep up on the whereabouts of friends and family. Both of these sites allow the user to view pictures and messages. Snapchat even allows the user to send and receive instant picture messages with friends and family.
According to, as of mid-January, 2016, Snapchat reported having over seven billion video views per day. Though teens seem to be the primary traffickers of social media sites, Facebook, another popular social media outlet, seems to be old news for young users. Many teens believe Facebook has been overrun with nosey parents and college spies, however, according to, Facebook has over eight billion video views per day. Perhaps as one generation moves on, another moves in.
Social media has become so important in the lives of so many people that most people have some way of attracting more followers for themselves. Many young girls admit to using their bodies or looks to gain followers while young men often resort to following as many people as they can or trying to be funny and popular online. Popularity on social media is often used to judge people before they are actually met in real life.
According to Christine Badowski Koenig, who received her master’s degree from North Central College in Naperville, Ill., surveying 144 colleges and universities within 150 miles of Chicago, including all Big Ten universities. Of those, 43 schools replied to a survey she did on whether or not colleges look at social media sites when considering a student. From her survey, 67 percent of the schools admitted to Googling a prospective student, and 86 percent admitted to researching students’ social media sites. Colleges, potential jobs and even curious strangers utilize social media to learn as much as they can about potential students, employees or new friends.
As social media becomes more and more prevalent in the lives of young adults, it seems there may no longer be a place for such simplicities as email. However, it seems that the majority of social media users also believe email is a key tool to be used for important matters such as career communication and online shopping.
The modern age has seen numerous technological advancements and these new found inventions have led to numerous different ways of using Technology to gain friends and learn information faster than ever. Social media is expanding the realm of human intuition for many but as it advances and new sites are created, some sites become outdated and are labeled as sort of a joke. There will always be a place for news and entertainment, however, it seems these places will continue to evolve with the rest of society.
Joey Landsem • May 5, 2016 at 9:11 pm
Really like this story, it told a lot about the aspects of social media, and i really enjoyed reading it. Keep up the good work on the transition between articles and keeping on-topic.
Megan Karnuth • May 4, 2016 at 12:58 pm
I like this article a lot and i think a lot of students can relate to it. You always use sources to back up your statistics and it really helps your argument.
Sam Hudachek • May 3, 2016 at 8:24 pm
Good story Joe! I Iike how you gave brief descriptions about each of the major social media sites and some statistics about them. My favorite part was how you added in the survey about universities researching students’ media sites. I think you gave plenty of evidence to support your claim about social media becoming more popular due to technology changes. Great job!