The Tweeting Bra
November 26, 2013
Teens, adults and even some children have Twitter accounts to tweet about their daily lives, issues, meals or even to say a friendly hello. However, most would be confused the first time they have heard about the Twitter Bra.
The Twitter Bra was a creation by Nestle Fitness during Oct. for Breast Cancer Awareness Month. There is a sensor in the back of the bra and when it is unhooked a tweet is sent out to the followers for a reminder to check their breasts. This is to help women catch early signs of Breast Cancer and quickly treat it.
“I wear the bra to deliver a life saving message every time I take it off,” said Maria Bacodimou, a television host in Greece, in an interview with Discovery News.
This is not the only wearable tweeting device, there has been a belly band to alert a woman’s spouse when their baby kicks, or a device that tweets out when people have died. Although some think it weird that a bra tweets it helps send a friendly reminder to women to look for possible signs of Breast Cancer.

“I think the best way to be reminded is with your regular check-ups and knowing why it is important to check,” said junior Cindy Prentice. “If you are well-informed on Breast Cancer and understand the importance of early diagnosis, then you just have to make this a priority.”
The problem that might occur with this is that with the celebrity host having wardrobe changes throughout the day. This then sends out the same tweet frequently as the day goes on. So like most would do is they would ignore the tweets or unfollow the bra on Twitter. However, this is just for a short two weeks period of time so it wouldn’t affect followers for very long.
“The Twitter Bra is a cool concept, but definitely has lots of cons,” said Prentice. “A tweet every time the bra is taken off could easily fill the Twitter page, which would be really annoying. I would probably stop following the Twitter Bra for that one reason.”
The Twitter Bra is interesting, but it is only used for a short period of time. Most of the followers for it are followers of Maria Bacodimou; so most of them would probably be Greek like Bacodimou. However, this is a good cause as it raises awareness for Breast Cancer, as well as training somes brains to get into the habit of checking for symptoms of Breast Cancer.
Lexi Fitch • Jan 9, 2014 at 9:13 pm
super interesting article. the title that was chosen grabbed my attention and i had to read it, which was a great choice. i have never heard about this and the article helped inform me which is important because it shows that people who know nothing about it could read it and learn a lot.
Karlee Stennes • Dec 26, 2013 at 9:27 pm
The headline was very eye catching and made me want to read it. I liked how you took a quote from someone who is not living in Stillwater. The conclusion could have been a little better it ended kinda abruptly. But other than that I thought it was really good and very informative.
Katelyn Weisbrod • Dec 18, 2013 at 10:59 pm
This is such an interesting and unique way to be reminded to do regular breast checks. This concept is really cool and I think it should be used in more than the few things mentioned here. Nicely written article, you really showed what it was about.
Joe DeWaele • Nov 27, 2013 at 4:52 pm
The headline left me confused and wanting to learn more. I found it interesting that you also found other devices that tweeted, or did, similar things, but I wonder if all of this information should be used as a tool to publicly display it.
Sabrina Storms • Nov 27, 2013 at 1:37 am
very interesting article! the headline definitely caught my attention! i love the idea of the reminders and purpose of the bra but i fell like people may not take it as seriously as they should. Overall the article was great and i love that you found some other similar devices!
Zak Mantel • Nov 26, 2013 at 2:30 am
The headline, “The Tweeting Bra,” caught my attention as I scrolled through the homepage of the website and I had to figure out the reasoning behind the peculiar headline. It was cool that the author found somebody who actually uses the bra, even though it was from a secondary source. I agree partially that having a constant reminder would help, but would also get annoying and could cause some people to unfollow Twitter Bra on twitter.