Pony Express TV returns after decade hiatus
The Pony Express went from newspaper to online and now TV. They started this “just last year in August,” senior Samantha Flipp said.
The Pony Express TV plans to give out weekly announcements, but it will be live with anchors and a exciting news about the school. Stillwater has,”never tried this before,” senior Sam Hudachek said. They aren’t just making announcements, but something bigger to go with them also.
The team of student directors consist of Adam Sutcliffe, Samantha Flipp, and Sam Hudachek for the Pony Express TV. They are excited and thrilled to be working on something never before done at Stillwater High School.
“I honestly think its a cool new thing this year,” Sutcliffe said.
But there is more to come then an exciting new experience. This new project is going to take plenty of time and teamwork to be able to show as much unique stories happening around the school as possible.
Senior Hudacek explained, “Definitely a lot of work. Just trying to get one or two in week, but something that can flourish,” Sutcliffe added, “I think first week of production,” is when their first showing will be.
The team plans to not only make weekly announcements, but read and watch videos. They are also working hard to help train the new members of the new team.
As of right now, “Making read and watch videos for examples,”said senior Sutcliffe, to help the new employees coming in. Flipp added, we are doing a example video “on Mr.Howlett because he went on leave for cancer.”
Read and watch videos contain information that goes along with the articles published in the newspaper. This will be another way the students will be able to understand what is going on in the school.
Sutcliffe explained, “They are 90-120 second videos, pretty much a video version of your standard Pony Express article. A lot of the time in the past they’ve been made to accompany a printed article, so the reader can literally “read and watch.”
These videos are going to be taken everywhere around the school, but not just there. They also plan to edit videos in the cutaway room in the high school.
“Read and watch videos are done all over high school and outlying community. We like to get the same variety of material that print does,” Sutcliffe said. Hudachek added, ” The in-studio recordings will take place in the Cutaway room during first hour.”
The Pony Express TV is still new and unsure about many things. They plan to have at least one showing a week or more once they get into the routine of the Express.
“We’re aiming for one in-studio broadcast a week, which will have least one read and watch in it,” Sutcliffe said.
“This is our first time ever attempting Pony Express TV, so there are still a lot of uncertain things,” Hudachek said. Sutcliffe added, “At the end of the year last year we saw what cool things are happening this year.”

Karisma is 16 years old and is a first year in newspaper. She loves to sing and act and has been in 5 plays. She has 2 sisters, one named Cerena and another...