Google Glass saving lives one pair at a time
Graphic by Clara Ilkka
October 30, 2013
What would most Americans do if they thought that they were bit by a deadly spider or if they didn’t know the difference between the symptoms of mononucleosis compared to those of streptococcus? Most people might turn to Google; however, is Google also capable of saving lives? With the new release of Google Glass as well as Google’s new medical research company Calico. There is not a doubt that Google is not only saving lives but extending the average human lifespan.
Google was founded on Sept. 4, 1998 by Larry Page and Sergey Brin. Google was created to provide a fast accurate search engine, but has now become the world’s go-to website for anything and everything. Google now answers on average over one billion questions per day.
Google recently released their new product, Google Glass, which is an optical head-mounted computer. Google Glass allows users to search questions via the web using voice commands and the answer is digitally displayed on the lens of the glasses. An infinite amount of lives could be saved through Google Glass because the user has answers to questions instantaneously and in their eyesight.
Google Glass also enables users to sync their smart phone up enabling them to text through their voice and read incoming texts without shifting their head. This feature could drastically cut back on the amount of texting and driving accidents because the driver would not have to look down to read the text.
Emergency Medical Technician’s and Paramedics are presently using Google Glass many different ways. While pulling up on an accident the Paramedics are able receive information from the 911 operator enabling them to visually see the patient’s identification, medical history and medicines they are currently taking. Timothy Aungst a medicine reporter for Pharm.d. said, “The ability to utilize tools that can keep us connected and up-to-date may help prevent medical errors.”
Google’s new research company called Calico is dedicated to solving century old medical problems, as well as extending human life-span through new medical technology. This shows Google’s dedication to saving lives in the present along with creating medical advances for the generations to come.
Doubters of Google Glass contend that texting visually through optical glasses still distract the driver. This may be true; however, drivers are distracted less because they are not taking their eye off of the road.
Google is in fact saving lives and protecting the lives of future generations through their various companies including Google Glass and Calico.
Brooke Thingvold • Nov 27, 2013 at 12:15 pm
while the article tends to stray off the topic of google glass and more into google itself, this is otherwise a very informative article. It didn’t repeat information, and kept the reader interested.
Alec Youngblood • Nov 27, 2013 at 1:12 am
This is a very interesting article. When I first heard of Google Glass, it sounded impractical, but your article has altered my view. Your source is great and so are your quotes. I like how you also included information on Google as a company as opposed to just it’s technology. Great job.