Proposed roundabout will ease traffic

Photo by Natalie Gjermo
Roundabout will ease traffic at Myrtle and Owens intersection.

Maddy Boettner

The intersection of Myrtle and Owens streets in Stillwater always seem to be backed up, some afternoons it may even be backed up for blocks. A solution is being sought out and a roundabout seems to be a hot topic in the Stillwater Community. Installing a roundabout may not be such a bad idea and even could solve the problem.

Washington County proposed the idea of switching the four-way stop intersection with a mini-roundabout. Roundabouts have become more common around the metro area and have been proven to reduce traffic and car accidents.

Joe Gustafson said in his interview with the Pioneer Press, “About 17,500 vehicles pass through the intersection each day. 

Installing a roundabout would reduce neighborhood cut throughs as well as keep the flow of traffic constantly moving.

A mini-roundabout would be a better option than a stop light because the area of the intersection of Myrtle and Owens does not have enough sidewalk space to install a traffic light. The area is the perfect size for a mini-roundabout.

The local business Len’s may suffer slightly if the roundabout is put in. The grocery store would lose one street for parking.

Anywhere a roundabout is installed will require ample space and certain grade requirements.

Roundabouts are unuseful to pedestrians and create driver confusion due to minimal education on the rules of the roundabout.

The plan to build the roundabout on Myrtle and Owens was postponed by Washington County until after the bridge project is completed.

Washington County postponed the construction of the roundabout until then because when the bridge is complete it will change the traffic patterns in Stillwater and may result in no need for a roundabout or maybe need for more roundabouts in other locations.

A roundabout would be beneficial and should be considered in more locations than just Myrtle and Owens. Roundabouts create better traffic flow and safer driving. Both of which are very important and should be a priority in every city and county.