AVID preparing students for the future
December 6, 2014

AVID helps students succeed by preparing them for future education. “AVID is a program that is designed to help students get college ready. It’s achievement via individual determination,” said counselor Kristina King. Students are self driven to learn broader subjects and topics not taught in most classes.
New at this year is AVID (Achievement Via Individual Determination). AVID is a program taught as a class designed to help prepare students for college by improving the way they study, write essays and take notes. There is currently one class hour of it at the high school.
Most of the students in AVID are sophomores because the program started a couple years ago at the junior highs with a group of eighth graders and has worked its way up to current 10th graders. The program continues to add students at the junior highs each year, and in a couple of years, it will include all grades 8 through 12.
AVID is not unique to Stillwater. It has been around for over 30 years and includes most of the United States and 16 other countries. Although, currently, the only way students start AVID is though the junior highs it is possible for others to join. Some students that transfer from other schools and were already in AVID can be put into the one here.
Interim Assistant Principal Dan Ralston said, “Next year ideally we will have a section of juniors that are in AVID, and a section of sophomores that are in AVID, and depending on what those numbers do there may be an opportunity as juniors next year, current sophomores, to fit into AVID.”
Students have to apply and go through an interviewing process to get in to the program. Students who are in AVID like it for the chance to learn about things most classes would not cover.
Sophomore Megan Conroy said, “I like AVID because of all the opportunities it brings me. Throughout my three years in AVID, I have gotten the chance to tour colleges which I would like to attend. Also, all the guest speakers we have had come in over the years.”
AVID’s main goal is to help students that want to go to college do so and be successful when they get there and have individual success. The class focuses on the student’s work effort and prepping them for the work load that they will have in college.
Counselor Kristina King said, “AVID is a program that is designed to help students get college ready. It’s achievement via individual determination.”
The program which is currently only one class, but will continue to grow each year. The students are willing to work hard in order to succeed and with a bit of help they will.
Braden Classon • Jan 7, 2015 at 5:07 pm
This article does a pristine job of explaining what AVID is and what their group does. The links you provided are very useful if one wants to gain a deeper understanding of the organization and your focus stays on point throughout the article. I also enjoy the use of quotes from the groups workers and founders. It’s nice to see that someone is attempting to help the future generations and provide for the common good.
Ana Reding • Jan 4, 2015 at 11:10 am
This explains briefly what the subject is and how people can join it. Very good job on explanation and directions
Calli Clay • Jan 4, 2015 at 12:00 am
This article does a good job of explaining what the program is and the quotes from students in the program help to interest other students who may want to join the program in order to learn the skills stated in the article.