A new model of parent teacher conferences will be introduced for K-12 students this year. With declining amounts of parents signing up for these conferences, this change will be exceedingly beneficial. Generally, students found this change to be beneficial, as opposed to the older outdated model.
With the traditional conference style, parents would sign up for a 15 -minute in person meeting (or five minutes on the secondary level) on a fixed day in the fall and again in the spring.
This change will be more flexible for student needs. Teachers will contact families at least once during each semester. At the elementary level, teachers will connect personally with families specifically about their social and academic development. At the secondary level, teachers will provide an email update, and families may request an in person meeting if necessary.
Although this style of parent teacher conferences has been happening for years at the secondary level, this new parent teacher conference model will be a new change for the elementary level students. Administration will be collecting feedback and thoughts on this new conference model to see if any adjustments and improvements can be made. Parents are encouraged to reach out if there are any questions or concerns.
Elementary level student families will continue to receive weekly newsletters and feedback from teachers. Middle and high school families are able to continue using Schoology to keep up with grades and work.
Some students also found this change to be helpful with independence, due to parents not always being there for their children in the future. Students also said it can help prepare more for the future, and stressing the importance of independence.
This change will not only be helpful for families, but teachers too. Giving teachers this easier means to communicate allows them to adjust their curriculum for students appropriately and accommodate various needs. This change is a much needed improvement. It’s due time for this outdated parent teacher conference model to be replaced, with this new model being vastly more favorable.