Super Mario Bros. has high expectations

Bowsers castle is making its way to Princess Peach’s castle, to capture her. The movie comes to theaters on April 5.

The Super Mario Bro. movie looks like it should be one of the most entertaining movies in 2023.

The Super Mario movie is an animated film, scheduled to be released on April 5. The movie is based around the story of Mario and is a movie version of the Super Mario Bros. video game. The movie is expected to do well due to how many people around the world love and play Mario.

Directors of the movie gathered popular actors to voice over characters from the Mario universe. The actors were blessed and excited to voice over characters in the movie because they are also fans of Mario. These actors should make the movie more interesting and entertaining to watch. 

“I think they’re interesting choices, I think it will give the movie a little more character and a little more comedic purpose then other voice actors,” sophomore Taylor Young said.

The production of this movie looks well made as the graphics are high quality and there looks to be little to no errors in the movie. They made all the characters look realistic and the setting Mario takes place looks accurate. The producers have been planning this movie for a long time and they started production in 2020, which gave them a lot of time to make the movie look good.

Junior Eliott Strong thinks “it looks sick” and can not wait to see the movie when it comes to theaters.

Audiences are excited for this movie because it portrays a lot of the Mario franchise video games like Mario Kart and the Super Mario Bros game. Most people love Mario from the arcade and video games, in the trailer, there are references made to specific Mario games which caught has the eye of viewers.

“Since I was a kid, I had a little DS and me and my brothers would always play Mario Kart and Super Mario Bros and all the Nintendo games,” junior Brett Hilde said.

Mario is not the first video game franchise to get a movie, Sonic also has two movies. People are starting to love movie adaptations of video games and would love more adaptations in the future.

Hilde said he would like a movie from Donkey Kong and a Yoshi adaptation since he is a top five character. 

Any Super Mario fan should see this movie when it comes out because it should be a fun and entertaining movie that explains the story of Mario.