Changed access to Wellness Center raises questions
Alternative Copy Story by Max Kennedy
The Wellness Center is a place within the high school for students to go if they are struggling with an emotional issues. However, many believe access to the wellness Center is limited and more students should be allowed access when they are struggling.
About the Contributor

Max Kennedy, Distribution Reporter
Max Kennedy is a distribution reporter for the Pony Express and writes for the student life department. In his free time Max plays hockey and track both...
Abigail Begin • Mar 27, 2018 at 9:12 am
I had no idea that the wellness center was seen as being limited. However, I am very intrigued by this because in my opinion, it should be open to all students whenever they need it. I like the quote by a student and by a therapist. I really like how the colors of the text boxes match the central image. It makes it very appealing to the eye!
Malaina Fragnito • Mar 4, 2018 at 8:26 pm
I think it is good someone is bringing attention to the Wellness center. Our school has some phenomenal resources that go unused because our students are not aware of them. I have only heard about the wellness center once from my health class but for students who do not take health at the high school, they may never learn of the wonderful and helpful people our school has to offer.