Pony Activity Center offers community memberships

Starting off this new school year there has been a lot of change especially in the athletic part of the school. There will be a new membership students will have to buy in order to use some of these new rooms that have been added.
The school has added a new PAC center, which includes many new facilities that can be used by the community members who purchase a membership and follow the membership guidelines. This membership will be set into action on Sept. 30 and the facilities will be available for use at certain times according to the schedule.
“Gives options and space for the students. They have more involvement and get more repetitions,” Mark Elmer, physical education teacher said.
This new PAC center includes a weight room bigger than the previous one along with four full-court gyms, locker rooms, a cardio room and an indoor running/walking track. Also, there are more add ons currently being constructed for the students and community members to use.
“It’s gonna pay for supervision, so they have a place to go hang out. Also when equipment wears out we need to replace it. Needs to have some cash flow for things to happen,” Elmer said.

Students are required to have a supervisor there watching them, and one of these supervisors is Chad Bischoff. He normally stays after school during the week to help kids and make sure they’re safe. The membership will cost $10/month for a track access only or $20/month for a full access membership.
“Through community ed you can buy family memberships or individual memberships,” Chad Bischoff, strength and conditioning coach, said.
The student athletes that are in their season won’t need to buy a membership, but the athletes out of season will need to pay $10 for the membership. Students that aren’t in a sport can also pay for a membership in order to use the weight room to stay in shape.
The PAC center will be open on Monday through Friday from 5:30 a.m. to 9:30 p.m. with little restrictions based on the classes that use the PAC center and the schedule concerning the center. After school will be closed due to sports and other activities such as pony power, and in the evenings will be open in every area. On the weekends the PAC center will be open from 7 a.m to 7 p.m. with no restrictions.
“The students spend more money at a coffee shop than a membership would cost in a month. It’s a very small amount and it’s going to end up like a health club where students can go to and participate on weekends, evenings and after school,” Elmer added.

Mason Wylie writes for News & Activities and is an read & writing editor. He usually plays football for the school but is taking a break this year....
Sophia Jensen • Nov 14, 2017 at 6:56 am
Well written overall and it’s full of information on how to get memberships to the PAC. There could be more student perspectives instead of mostly teachers or staff. If it were possible, maybe you could’ve found a few more quotes for any extra information on PAC memberships.
Linnea Phillips • Nov 13, 2017 at 7:44 pm
Great organization of information, and great quotes! Lead and nutgraph could be cleaned up a little to keep them focused on the five w’s and how. Try to get a balance of grades and genders for sources, not just teachers.