Staff Editorial: vandalism occurring in bathrooms increasing

One of the problems at school is vaping and vandalism in the school’s bathrooms. This problem has raised concern for some of the staff. Not only is it an illegal activity, it is also negatively impacting students who do not vape, and need to use the bathrooms.
Vaping, although similar to smoking, differs in that instead of breathing in smoke, it is vapor that is inhaled. This trend has become very popular among teens, because it is seen as cool and they think it doesn’t carry the same health risks as smoking. Since it is relatively new, experts don’t know the long term consequences of vaping.
Although vaping is a problem at school, Assistant Principal Matt Kraft pointed out, “We have 2000 students together, if vaping in the bathrooms is the biggest issue, then it’s not necessarily that bad, there are bigger issues.”
Because vaping is happening in the bathrooms, where there are no cameras, it is hard for the school to stop the activity. They simply do not have the resources to patrol every bathroom all the time.
Kraft said, “We’ve asked the teachers to help during passing time to check the bathrooms, and to be visible. The best approach is visibility.”
On the topic of tackling the issue of vaping, Kraft believes the best tactic is to get the teachers involved, by keeping an eye out for large groups of students entering the bathroom during passing time, and monitoring who is consistently going to to bathroom during class.
Although vaping may seem like it only affects those who participate in the activity, it affects other students and poses a safety concern for others.
Assistant Principal Chris Otto said, “We have students with upper respiratory problems, and vaping is unsafe for those students, and it limits their ability to breathe.”
Both Kraft and Otto mentioned there was an intimidation factor as well. When a student walks into a bathroom and it is full of people vaping, and that makes some students not want to use the school bathrooms.
If someone is caught vaping on school grounds there are two forms of punishment that are imposed on them.First, the authorities are notified and they are issued a citation, because vaping on school grounds is illegal, even if the person is age 18.The second punishment is issued by the school through YCAPP, and that punishment is amplified with multiple offenses. It goes without saying that the vaping device is taken.
Neither assistant principals could confirm whether or not vaping and vandalism were connected event. However, Otto said, “They are both happening in the bathrooms and both are causing a disruption in the school.”
The best way to resolve this issue is by getting teachers to monitor the bathrooms during passing time, to control bathroom passes and share information among the teachers about who is frequently leaving class to go to the bathroom. It is unlikely vaping at school will be eradicated, but it can be controlled, and any suggestions on a solution to the problem are welcome by the assistant principals.
Travis Jacobson • Mar 28, 2017 at 10:00 am
I liked the wording in this article. Especially in the infographic with words like “plagues” and “addictive” that showed the problem at hand. The Interviews were also very strong. It also doesn’t give a direct answer to the issue because there really isn’t one which is interesting.
Cates Eliasen • Mar 28, 2017 at 9:37 am
As always, you wrote a really interesting article with a lot of your personality and humor in it. I found it especially interesting because of the recent activity and surveillance related to the “bathroom vaping.” Great article!
Allison Heintz • Mar 27, 2017 at 12:16 pm
The infographic for this article was very informative and showed the incline of the vaping clearly. I also liked the way you showed the impact on others and hows its affecting the school and not just the people who are partaking in it.
Anthony Alvarado • Mar 19, 2017 at 6:13 pm
I like you added information about how this problem is affecting other innocent students. You did a good job suggesting that vapors are not only poorly involving themselves, but the people around them.
Jared Taylor • Mar 15, 2017 at 8:21 am
This was an overall informative piece, the information given in this article is good. The quotes were okay, but didn’t really add much to the story. But overall the story was a good look into the vaping problem.