Concert Wind Symphony haunts the ELC
Concert Wind Symphony is hosting a haunted maze in the ELC on Oct. 30 from 5 p.m to 10 p.m. Tickets will be $5 for kids and $7 for adults. They are hosting this haunted maze in hopes to raise enough money for each student so they are able to go on a trip to Washington D.C.
On April 31 Concert Wind Symphony will be going to Washington D.C to play at Sousa festival. The band hopes to raise enough money for each student to go on a four-day trip to Washington D.C. to play at the Kennedy Center . This is one of many fundraisers the Concert Wind Symphony hopes to have and host in attempts to raise money for this trip.
Each student will need about $1,400 to participate in the trip in April. All other expenses will be covered such as the busing of the instruments to the Kennedy Center in Washington D.C. Students are only responsible for purchasing their plane ticket and part of the room fee.
“If we do not make enough by raising the money, each student will just have to pay more out of pocket,” senior Trey Weisbrod said.
Concert Wind Symphony was one of five bands invited to play at the Kennedy Center.
“It was an honor to be chosen,” senior Mackenzie Moroney said, “Along with our band, three other college bands will be playing. It is a big honor to get the chance to play with them,” Weisbrod added.
For a fundraiser like this, the community and student body play a huge role in Concert Wind Symphony’s chances on making enough money to get to Washington D.C.
“It is unusual to play at a national merit level. Not only are we representing the school and community, we are the only band coming from the state of Minnesota, so we are representing the state as well,” band teacher Dennis Lindsay said.
Along with the haunted ElC maze, Concert Wind Symphony plans on having several other fundraisers and events to raise the money that is needed.
“A few of our other ideas include a fruit sale, a Poinsettia sale and a lot of the money that came from the rummage sale, so that played a huge part,” Weisbrod said.
“We have talked about benefit concerts where people would pay a few dollars to get in and we have also talked about selling gift wrap,” Moroney added.
Concert Wind Symphony has a long way ahead of them to reach their goal, but as a student body and community we can support them.
“Oh, I am thrilled, we are going to be playing at the nations concert hall. This is a huge deal. It is great that we will be working with such talented people, most of which I have only seen in magazines and social media sites,” Lindsay said.

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Bryce Thomas • Nov 25, 2015 at 4:49 am
I liked the focus of the story being on fundraising though it doesn’t match the headline as well (which was a pretty good headline, just not as fit for the article) But the content is great anyhow
Cassie Hansen • Nov 24, 2015 at 11:08 pm
You have a great title for this story and I wasn’t expecting a focus on the fundraising aspect but it made the article much more interesting to read. My only suggestion would be to have taken pictures of people at the maze. You did a good job on this story!
Lily Marchan • Nov 24, 2015 at 6:53 pm
Great article! I love how you focused on the fundraising aspect of the maze. Maybe interviewing people who are not in band would have helped and maybe describing the maze a little more would have been good. If the focus of the article was on what the band is doing to fundraise for the trip this would have been excellent.
Megan Brandt • Nov 1, 2015 at 12:32 pm
You have a very strong story, but adding some grade diversity might have given more varied views. Also, interviewing somebody who isn’t in band might have given an insight into what other students thought about the haunted maze and Wind Symphony going to play at the Kennedy Center.
Kai Knudson • Oct 31, 2015 at 10:07 am
I liked the article’s focus on the fundraising aspect of the haunted ELC, as well as the excitement of Band members and the call to action of behalf of the student body to help support the band department. The article should have been titled Band fundraising rather than the Haunted ELC.