New Resource Officer reports for duty

This school year, Officer Lindsay Paradise is the schools new Resource Officer. Paradise’s full time job does the work of three security guards and because she is a certified police officer, she has greater jurisdiction and ability under the laws of Minnesota.
School Resource Officers, also known as Police Liaisons, play an important role in the community, school and student safety. They function as in-school police officers and promote safety and crime prevention in and around school. School Resource Officers are able to do more under the law than security guards. Because of this, the decision of one police liaison to three security guards due to recent staff reduction was decided. As a result, Officer Paradise was hired full time as the schools Resource Officer this school year.
Because of Officer Paradise’s legal authority as a certified police officer, she is able to do things that security guards wouldn’t be able to do. These abilities and potential responsibilities include carrying a firearm, having the power of arrest and the ability to go hands-on with kids when necessary.
Assistant Principal Mary Leadem Ticiu said, “Officer Paradise walks the fine line of school rules, community involvement, support for the norms of the community and the law.”
Not only does Officer Paradise keep our school and students safe, as a School Resource Officer she is also someone students can talk to and confide in if need be.Ticiu said, “Students have already come to her for grief counseling. Officer Paradise is proactive and relationship based.”
As a School Resource Officer, Officer Paradise is here to help students in any way she can, though it is important to develop trust and relationships with any school staff member, in case one would ever need help.
Junior Ana Martinez said, “When I spoke with Officer Paradise, she was nothing but nice and helpful. She made me feel like she was there to help me, not just to enforce rules and arrest me.”
With harassment being the most common problem Officer Paradise deals with, she has a few expectations for students.
“It’s important to respect your teachers and be respectful to other students. Be mature and be nice to each other,” said Paradise.
As the schools new School Resource Officer, Officer Paradise has taken on many responsibilities such as keeping staff and students safe, while also serving as someone students can trust and confide in. Officer Paradise keeps our school, community and students safe.
Paradise said, “Students shouldn’t fear police, we’re here to help.”

Stephanie Nielsen is the Fashion Blog photographer for the Pony Express Newspaper and is also a member of SAHS's Varsity Orchestra. She enjoys hanging...