‘Footloose the musical’ cuts loose on closing night

Footloose the Musical ran April 12 through April 20. The production starred juniors Rowan Campbell and Ella Josephson as Ren McCormack and Ariel Moore.
“Footloose the Musical” ran April 12 through April 20. The production starred juniors Rowan Campbell and Ella Josephson as Ren McCormack and Ariel Moore.
Photo by Gabbi Chau

The final show in the 2024 theater season was “Footloose the Musical.” Artistically directed and produced by Grif Sadow, choreographed by Teagan Jones and the music was directed by Aaron VanDanacker. Students initially auditioned for the show in December and rehearsals started in January.

“Footloose the Musical” is an adaption of the 1984 film “Footloose” directed by Herbert Ross.

The plot

The story follows Ren McCormack (played by Rowan Cambell). Ren was a busybody Chicago teen, who moved to a small rural town, Bomont with his single mother Ethel (Jenna Baumgartner). After moving in with his uncle and aunt, Ren met the most powerful man in town, Reverend Shaw Moore (Micheal Fredricks). Ren also met Rev. Moore’s rebellious daughter, Ariel (Ella Josephson).

The next day at school, Ren met Willard Hewitt (Colin Burns) after accidentally bumping into him. The two became fast friends as Ren lamented about the lack of activities in Bomont. He learned a unique trait of Bomont: five years prior, Rev. Moore banned any form of dancing within the city’s limits.

The show was super entertaining to watch. Each ensemble member added something unique and special to the scene with facial expressions, reactions and body language.”

Holdin’ out for a review

The show was entertaining to watch. Each ensemble member added something unique and special to the scene with facial expressions, reactions and body language.

The costumes and hair were excellent. They instantly transported the audience into the 1980s, quick changes were impressive and speedy, which gave the production a professional feel.

The set was very versatile. Through the utilization of small set pieces added or removed, the audience was taken all over Bomont.

Let’s hear it for the cast

Both musical and acting performances were outstanding by all members of the cast. Standout performers included Burns as Willard Hewitt, Nuss as Chuck Cranston and Schleder as Rusty. Burns stole the show with his southern drawl and comedic timing. Nuss delivered a chilling performance that made Chuck truly feel like a threat. Schleder beautifully showed the experience of a teen girl in love, while she also delivered incredible vocals.

The two leads of the show, Campbell and Josephson as Ren and Ariel, were also incredible. Campbell brought the teen angst and humor, while Josephson brought the sass and power belting.

However, what truly brought the music to a whole new level was the live pit band playing for the entire show, producing a natural and organic sound to balance the live vocals from the actors.

There were little to no critiques of the show in its entirety. Most of the issues that came up during opening night (like microphone cues and volume adjustments) were quickly resolved and were polished for closing night.

After taking their final bows on the closing night of “Footloose”, the cast earned a standing ovation from the crowd, truly ending the season on a high note.

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