Bradley Cornell

Photo Courtesy Brad Cornell – Countryside Photo These three young ladies are the senior captains of the varsity girls volleyball team. From left to right: Jane Moore, Lily Strom, and Sarah McCarthy. “Volleyball is where I always truly am myself, and no matter what happened that day I know I can step out on the court and my worries drift away,” says McCarthy.

Sarah McCarthy balances school and sports

Senior Sarah McCarthy is not the everyday student-athlete. Her hard work in the classroom and on the varsity volleyball team gives teachers and coaches much reason to be pleased as she continues to kill it on and off the court.

This impact captain for the Ponies has much to be proud about. Devoting herself to three years of varsity volleyball while maintaining the status of an academic scholar is a difficult task. McCarthy’s exceptional work as a member of the community has earned her the admiration of peers and staff along with numerous athletic and academic awards, demonstrating the perfect example of a student-athlete and leader.

McCarthy’s work ethic and dedication is one reason she is such a strong student and competitor. In her off season, she works hard to get better attending optional volleyball practices during the school year. McCarthy has lettered in volleyball three times along with being recognized as an all conference honorable mention. Despite her many hours and serious commitment to volleyball, McCarthy is able to remain an “A” student.

McCarthy explained, “I still play in my off-season, three days a week on school nights I drive 45 minutes to a practice in Burnsville from November to July.”

Varsity volleyball coach Bob Fisher said, “Sarah is very gifted, she works hard to make the most of those gifts by putting in many extra hours.”

In contrast, the all-star attacker earns her starting role as a captain while existing is numerous extra-curricular activities. McCarthy has thrived athletically while a part of the newspaper staff, yearbook, the National Honor Society and a job as a senior officer.

McCarthy explained, “It’s difficult to balance school and sports but you have to learn. You learn as you go how much you can do, but always try to stay ahead”

Fisher also remarked that McCarthy has qualities as an athlete that he could see translating to in the classroom. “She is very intelligent. She sets goals and puts a plan together to achieve those goals. Sarah is very tenacious and has a good work ethic.”

Being a good teammate and leader is also one of her goals. Whether she is a captain or not, McCarthy desires to have a role as a teacher towards new players and returning teammates on her team, applying what she has learned in the classroom to the court. Having three years of varsity under her belt, McCarthy is able to keep everyone up to speed and shed some light on technique and specific aspects of the game while making everyone feel accepted.

McCarthy explained, “I definitely want to be super welcoming, I want to create a family atmosphere that allows everyone feel comfortable with each other so there is no communication issues within the team.”

Jane Moore, teammate and senior captain said, “As a fellow captain, it’s great having someone who is as organized as her. She’s not afraid to say exactly what we need to fix.”

Fisher said, “Us coaches have thrown many challenges at her, she has been very disciplined and organized in ensuring that those challenges have been met and conquered.”

Putting up big numbers on the court and in the grade book, McCarthy is part of the NHS as she has managed a high GPA in all her years of school. In addition to volleyball, McCarthy has also lettered in academics four times and also received a quill and scroll award.

Moore added, “Sarah’s effort on the court really translates to the classroom. She is very sharp and always knows what is going on. Her organizational skills apply to the classroom as well as in games and practices. She’s always on top of her assignments and getting work done ahead of time.” Continuing to make the life of a student-athlete look easy, McCarthy finds ways to manage what is difficult for many high school students.

McCarthy explained, “Being a student-athlete has made me much more of a hard worker allowing me to maintain my grades but also excel in sports. It’s a balance that will really help out.”


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