Student Council members have big plans for 2024-2025

Juniors Chase Johnson and Taylor Young ran for senior representatives back in the beginning of April and were elected at the end of April. They are holding one of their many posters from around the school.
Juniors Chase Johnson and Taylor Young ran for senior representatives back in the beginning of April and were elected at the end of April. They are holding one of their many posters from around the school.
Photo by Ava Bentdahl

Student council has been around for years. It is a chance to give students a voice in school related issues and the new co-presidents and representatives here at the high school already have some ideas in mind for the 2024-2025 school year.

First for the sophomore representatives there is current freshman Teague McGlynn. This fall will be his second year in student council. He hopes to make Spirit Days more fun and interesting to students along with allowing the underclass members to speak up about things going on.

“Freshmen don’t really talk that much at meetings, but obviously, it’s like kind of a personal choice but just like, try to have underclassmen be like more involved and like having them talk this year was really good,” McGlynn said.

The other sophomore representatives are: Vivian Adams (2 years), Anna Dimartini (2 years), Liam McGlynn (2 years), Etta Peterson (2 years), Katie Smith (1 year), Noah Sutter (2 years) and Maryn Yunker (2 years).

One of the junior representatives is current sophomore Jonas Peterson. This fall will be his first year on the student council. He hopes to create a huge school wide garage sale with old clothes and unused appliances and some potential movie nights.

“I feel like it’s kind of been one thing for a really long time and can be that thing was just kind of inactive and pretty circular. I just think it needs fresh people. And if I’m only on it for a year, and then I don’t get reelected I’ll be happy because there are new people and we need new people,” Peterson said.

The rest of the junior representatives are: Bennett Balok (3 years), Zach Cody (3 years), Henry Corbett (3 years), Jillian Maddux (2 years), Aurora Swenson (3 years), Tolu Tanimojo (3 years) and Marit Wolden (3 years).

“I like helping the school so I wanted to do that again,” McGlynn said.

Senior representatives will be: Emily Carrillo-Arzapalo (3 years), Joe Fredkove (4 years), Surraane Fufa (2 years), Chase Johnson (1 year), Ann McGlynn (4 years), Conor McGlynn (4 years), Dylan Riniker (1 year) and Taylor Young (1 year).

Finally, the 2024-2025 student council co-presidents; the current secretary Maysen Puhrmann for her fourth year and Ainsley Smith for her third year. Puhrmann and Smith hope to have more student vs. teacher games, Color Run and a Lip Sync Battle. Along with more events year round such as the cultural fashion show and culture fair rather than just during BLAST week. Puhrmann is very excited to continue on with her journey through the student council while assuming this new leadership role with Smith.

So we have our three main goals of inclusion and then fighting discrimination advocating for more mental health awareness and then creating an enjoyable high school experience for everyone.”

— junior Maysen Purhmann

Freshman representative elections will take place this fall a couple weeks after Homecoming. Freshman will be able to have the same opportunities while running for student council in the fall as the sophomore, junior and senior representatives got this spring. You are able to keep up with all the new members, events and fun dress up days by following the student council Instagram.

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