National Honor Society students help transport the food from a first hour class. They put the food near a door so it can be brought to Valley Outreach for families on Nov. 21.
National Honor Society food drive gives back to community
November 20, 2018
The National Honor Society has teamed up with Valley Outreach during the Thanksgiving, the season for giving back. Starting Nov. 12, students are bringing in food to their first hour. All of the food is being brought to the Valley Outreach food shelf Nov. 21 and is being given to families that cannot buy their own food for Thanksgiving.
NHS has been doing food drives for years. They always have goals for their food drives, and this year the goal is 1000 pounds of food. Students are bringing in nonperishable foods to their first hour also with the option of bringing money in for donations. The hour that brings in the most amount of food will receive bagels.
Students in NHS put this food drive together and organized the entire process. They are making sure everything is in place and ready to go for Valley Outreach and the families that are collecting the food.
National Honor Society vice president Clare Roti, said she, “collects or delivers boxes to first hour classes and collect all the food and bring it to Valley Outreach next Wednesday.”
Roti uses time before and after school to collect the food in the classrooms so she can deliver it to Valley Outreach. Students take their spare time out of their busy day so families can have a nice Thanksgiving.
Students and the admins do not need to do this for families and people with food insecurities. National Honor Society could have chosen a different activity to do during this time, that takes less time and effort. However, the students and staff are happy to do the food drive and give back.
“It feels awesome. We can send out a note to everyone saying how many people we helped,” said advisor Becky Mazzara.
Although we do this food drive to give back, students are also given an incentive to give back. The hour with the most amount of food at the end of the drive, gets a bagel party.
Junior officer Ryan Ciminski says that unfortunately he doesn’t think that there would be the same amount of food donated without the reward of bagels. However, that is a small cost compared to the outcome of the food drive.
The food drive being held by the National Honor Society is helping families that are apart of the Valley Outreach program get food for a nice Thanksgiving dinner. Students and advisers are doing what they can to give back to the community and help eliminate food insecurity in the Stillwater area.