What’s in Mr. Weaver’s desk?

Andrew Weaver is the AP Biology and AP Environmental Science teacher. He is known for being bizzare, funny, and wildlt entertaining. His desk reflects his humorour and interesting personality. “I have a radio transmitter to put on sophomores,” Weaver said. “Find out where they’re smoking.” Many random items including pens, pencils, student’s assignments, garbage, and much more clutter his desk. It is fairly difficult to believe he could possibly stay organized.
Morgan Grim • Nov 13, 2017 at 9:30 pm
The arrows are taking over the picture so maybe they could be organized a little more. Other than that, you did a good job of getting lots of quotes and information to help the audience fully understand what everything was. The photos were really informative and the captions explain very well. Maybe brighten the photos a little more. But love the variety of colors, it really draws the readers eye.