Trump’s out of control Twitter more than a nuannce

January 11, 2016

There are endless criticisms of Donald Trump, the President-elect.  That comes with any president, especially after the brutal election cycle, when candidates are attacking each other through ads and announcements.  But this election Trump used a new platform, something we had never seen used before in an election: Twitter.

Twitter is revolutionary.  Twitter gives someone whatever they want, whenever they wants it.  There has never been a social network like that.

To Trump’s credit, he used it very well.  He made his thoughts easily accessible, not through a TV ad that someone could miss, or a press conference/rally that someone could be too lazy to watch.  Trump made his thoughts available on our computer and phones, devices that we all use on the daily.

The beauty of Twitter is that it can shrink things.  Things like news stories or analysis or thoughts.  A tweet is limited to 140 characters because its supposed to be brisk.  Our current society likes brisk, because our current society is lazy.

Running for President is not supposed to be easy, and is not a job for someone that’s lazy.

It is almost like he was too afraid to speak those proposals and attacks.  It is like the couple who texts all the time but can not wind up the guts to talk in person.

Trump has not gone after U.S. businesses, SNL, Hamilton, etc, in person, or in a press conference.  If he is that upset about it, he has not made it known.

It is simply not appropriate for him to address these issues over a social network. Then there is the constant attacking of the media and their coverage of him.

Once again: The media is here to either report the news, give an opinion or analyze it.  Trump certainly gives them a lot to analyze, and it is rarely positive. Does Trump realize this?

By now one would think he would have, but clearly it has not happened.  This is just another example of Trump’s unawareness and lack of logic.  It also suggests how illogical his administration is.  Trump’s Twitter feed has led to nothing but negative news stories and criticism.  Since it’s become this big of a problem, why would the administration not strip him off it?  Aren’t they trying to get rid of the negative stories and spotlight on it?

It goes back to lack of knowledge within his team.  This is not a perfect world.  Not many are going to be able to let him have his Twitter and get positive media coverage.  That key just doesn’t unlock that door.

Do they think it does?  Maybe, and the way they may take action on that is scary.  Yeah, the Sedition Act just flashed before your eyes.

Trump is going to continue to babble on Twitter or the 1st amendment is going to be a thing of the past with the current track we are on.  If his team will not take away his Twitter and he wants to get positive news coverage, then the next step is very, very scary.  It includes censorship and a decline in freedom of speech.  It sounds like something a communist leader would do.  No matter someone’s party or beliefs, it should scare them.

“The media does not cover his message the way he wants, so its appropriate that he’s taken it upon himself to tweet himself what he feels,” Trump supporter and junior Brandan Peterson said.

That is a fair point.  It is Trump’s right to defend himself from media criticism.  That is anyone’s right.  That is in fact what the First Amendment says.

“Both [The New York Times and CNN] do their best to make him sound as bad as possible, so maybe its a good thing he calls them out in it,” Peterson added.

That is also true.  Most liberal-biased news networks do go as hard as they can at Trump.  But can you really blame them?  Trump has so much baggage attached to him that it is hard to not rip him to shreds.  Trump calling them out on it is fine, but calling them out in the vicious, snobby, attack-styled manner shown in this tweet below isn’t okay.

So yeah, Trump is out of control on Twitter.  But if the media makes too big of a deal of it, it could have disastrous results on our freedom of speech and society.  Trump is crazy and illogical enough to enact something like the Sedition Act.  It’s a scary thought, and should scare everyone, pro-Trump or not.

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