Hannah Harvieux gets involved with 2017 election

November 6, 2016

With this year’s election coming up, students in the school are getting just as involved as any voters out there.

Every Wednesday morning in Debbie Drommerhausen’s room, a student-led group called the Youth Republicans join together to get as involved as they can. A leader of the group is senior Hannah Harvieux, who can take a lot of the credit for the success of the group.

Harvieux, along with seniors Alyssa Lammers and Ellie Smith, joined together last school year and decided to form a group based on their interests in politics.

“It all started because we all had an interest in politics and thought it would be fun to get a bunch of people together who have the same political beliefs and talk about the issues in our country and the upcoming election,” Harvieux said.

The club gained popularity and now it is made up of students from all grades at the high school. It is well organized and the group does many things to stay involved.

“We debate with the Democrat club about important issues, we have speakers come in such as Karin Housley, Bob Dettmer and Kathy Lohmer, and right now we’re working on getting a fundraiser going to support our troops,” Harvieux explained.

Harvieux has shown many qualities of being a strong leader to the club. Along with the other leaders, she is able to make appointments with the speakers, keep everything running smoothly and organized and make the club fun and engaging for everyone.

“Hannah knows a lot. She’s very organized, she’s nice, she’s a great leader,” junior Joe Sanderson said.

One of the sophomores of the group, Josie Scherek, also feels that Harvieux does a wonderful job at successfully leading the club.

“Hannah’s a really good leader. She knows what she’s talking about, she definitely does her research. She’s really independent about how she feels if people don’t agree with what she says she doesn’t let it get to her,” Scherek said.

Harvieux grew up in a Republican house, but her interest in politics herself was sparked when she heard that Donald Trump was running for president.

“I never really knew anything about politics, but when I heard that Trump was running for president that intrigued me so I started watching the Republican debates and it turns out what they had to say really interested me,” Harvieux said.

Since Harvieux is a leader of a political group at such a young age, many might wonder if she will continue to head down a political path in the future.

“I think about it all the time,” she said. “I don’t think I would want any major role but I can definitely see myself being involved somehow.”

Being involved in this year’s election as much as possible, not being able to vote, is what a lot of students are choosing to do. Being part of the Youth Republicans is an option to help students get involved, and it can be used as a starting point for students interested in being involved in politics as adults. Harvieux does a lot to make the experience of the club beneficial and enjoyable. She has learned a lot throughout the experience as well, and has benefitted greatly from the club.

“I have learned that things aren’t just black and white; there are so many different perspectives that you need to look at before forming an opinion about something, and there’s not always a right answer for everything,” Harvieux said.

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