Students getting excited for “An Evening in Paris”

April 27, 2016

Students are getting antsy for warm weather, days on the beach, but before summer days can be granted to Stillwater students, they need to get through the rest of the school year.

Although the rest of the school year can be filled with extreme cramming for final exams and projects, one event that keeps students going is prom. When students think of prom, they think of a break from the stress that surrounds high school and a night where they can forget all of the assignments due the following week.

This year’s prom theme is “An Evening in Paris,” a new approach that high schools students may not be as used to. At last year’s prom, there was an overwhelming negative response to the “Fire and Ice” theme, so this year’s committee decided to go with a much simpler and classy approach.

“This years theme is much classier than last years theme,” the head of prom committee Marley Rich said. “I’m hoping that people will be extremely impressed, I kind of think of it as a recovery from last year.” Rich continued, “I’m really excited to see what people think about it.”

Prom night can consist of many after-parties, but what people tend to overlook is everything that happens before, from potlucks to fancy dinners to the transportation itself. One controversial aspect of the pre-prom madness is party buses, which is either a hit or a miss for most people.

“Where’s the party without the party bus?” junior Jack Nelson laughed. “My group is taking one this year and I’m really excited,” Nelson said. “From what I’ve heard, it’s basically a party before the party. I actually didn’t go to prom last year, so I’m really excited to get the full experience this year.”

“Honestly, the party bus is such a fun idea,” Marley Rich said, “It’s very creative and fun, especially for big groups of friends. I don’t see why you wouldn’t want to go on one.” Rich continued, “If you’re going, you might as well get the full experience.” she stated.

An Evening in Paris will be held at The Myth Live Event Center, a concert venue and event center. The center has been the host to various musical artists such as Taylor Swift, Rihanna, Motley Crue and many more.

“I think that hosting prom at a venue that is separate from our school sets us apart from other schools,” Marley Rich said. “The Myth has a lot to offer, there is so much you can do with a space like that,” she stated. “It gave us a lot of creativity and freedom to do a lot of things that other venues wouldn’t have allowed us to do.”

While most seniors and juniors choose to go to prom, others sophomores and even some juniors and seniors opt out of going to the prom, whether that be because they do not have a date or because they think that they are too cool. Students choosing not to go to prom is very controversial, some encourage it and some condemn it.

“I don’t see anything wrong with not going to prom,” Junior Karissa Cheshire said “I think that not having a date isn’t an excuse, but honestly it just depends on the person, it really is up to them whether they want to go or not.” Cheshire said.

An Evening in Paris is being held at The Myth on May 14 from 7:30 p.m. until 11:30 p.m.

“I don’t think that SAHS has done anything like this, I’m very excited,” Marley Rich said.


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