Greeder and Blinkhorn recall milestones in their relationship
“She means a lot to me. She’s a big part of my life, but she makes it so great and happy for me. I’m just glad we met and have stayed together,” said junior Wyatt Blinkhorn, speaking of his girlfriend, junior Lauren Greeder.
Blinkhorn and Greeder have been dating since Sept. 21, 2013. They first met each other at Stillwater Junior High School in the eighth grade and have been close friends since. Their special bond with each other drew them closer together until they ultimately started dating.
Many couples meet in the strangest, most unusual ways. Yet most people today meet in school, mainly college, and stay together until the end. Blinkhorn and Greeder had never met before that one day in eighth grade, but there was a connection between them instantly.
“We met in eighth grade at the Stillwater Junior High as I was walking towards the buses. We started to text a lot of the time, but I liked him and he thought I was totally weird. So life was awkward,” said Greeder.
After being close friends for over two years, the two finally started dating. Being in a relationship means doing almost everything together and spending a lot of time with your partner.
“My favorite date with Lauren would have to be on my birthday when we went downtown St. Paul for dinner and then we hung out after. It was a great night,” said Blinkhorn.
Not only do couples spend a lot of time together, but they also spend holidays, birthdays, family gatherings and special moments together. These moments create memories that last a lifetime.
“Our first Halloween together, we were carving a Winnie the Pooh pumpkin and I almost cut his hand badly. It got in my way and I didn’t even notice it was there, so I started carving the pumpkin, nearly missing his hand,” said Greeder.
Both Blinkhorn and Greeder are incredibly supportive. They look out for one another, care immensely about each other and would do anything to make sure they are happy. Just by watching them, it is obvious that they care a great deal for each other.
“They are really supportive of each other, like they will go to each others games. Lauren will go to Wyatt’s basketball games and Wyatt will go to Lauren’s softball and hockey games. They are always really happy together no matter what,” said junior Maddie Olson.
Relationships require many factors and components, yet every relationship is different. For Greeder and Blinkhorn, their idea and description of a healthy and working relationship was quite similar.
Blinkhorn said, “Good relationships need a lot of trust and just going with the flow. You can’t force anything or expect too much. You also need to find time for each other despite everything that is going on. The last thing you need is to believe that you’re never going to break up.”
Both Greeder and Blinkhorn both mean a lot to each other. They are their own best friends and they spend a lot of their spare time with each other. If it means going on triple dates with two other couples or just spending time together, they always know how to have fun.
“Wyatt really means a lot to me because he makes everyday just that much more fun and I don’t know what I would do without him in my life. He cares about everyone and buys me a lot of food,” said Greeder.
Every relationship has its ups and downs, but this one seems to have an admired number of ups from an outsider’s point of view. Olson had just started becoming close friends with Greeder as they began dating so she has been with them through it all.
Olson said, “My favorite thing about their relationship is how supportive they are of each other. If Lauren is having a bad day, Wyatt will always be there for her. If Wyatt is having a bad day, whether it’s basketball or family stuff, Lauren will always be there for him, no matter what. I would say that their support for each other is the strongest thing in their relationship.”
Greeder and Blinkhorn are meant to be together, it shows in every aspect of their lives. Romance is all about trust and being comfortable with the other person and this defines their relationship exactly.
Hadley • Feb 18, 2015 at 10:24 am
Loved this article, very cool to read an article about a couple that I know. Good queations too.
Joey Costa • Feb 17, 2015 at 10:28 pm
Wyatt has been my best friend for about 12 years and I now he is telling the truth in the whole article and because of this it is very well written. The quotes were heart felt and it brought the article together. I like the headline too.
Ana Reding • Feb 17, 2015 at 4:39 pm
I liked all the information given, it was really informing!