Photo by Stella Bertsch
The Herbert sisters sit in their kitchen recording their newest episode. Hannah (left) has the script outline in front of her, and Paige (right) has the computer monitoring the audio and time they've been recording.
Early in the pandemic, sitting around the dinner table with their family, freshman Paige Hebert and sophomore Hannah Hebert talk about the struggles of being in quarantine as a teen. They discussed things such as what to do when they are bored, online school, communicating with friends, fighting with family, etc. Being that both are teens going through quarantine their mother suggested they start a podcast. The purpose to give the rest of the world insight into how teens are feeling in these times and QuaranTeens was born.
The Herbert sisters have great chemistry on the podcast because they are close in age, being only one year apart, they share many interests and go through similar experiences.
“It is really fun because we get to share this passion together and it’s kind of like making a digital memory that we can save on the internet and can hopefully listen to later,” Hannah said.
“It’s really nice because we are like best friends, and we do a lot of things together, we have the same interests,” explained Paige.
The sisters have record 11 episodes, the first one being on Oct. 21, 2020. They have since gained a large following with 220 downloads. They have listeners not only in the United States, but also in Russia, Slovakia and Bavaria.
“Just seeing your reach and the impact that you can have on people has been really meaningful, and what motivates us to keep going,” Paige said.
When it comes to the production of the podcast the sisters split the work evenly. Paige does more of the editing where Hannah does more of the planning and research. They do all the editing on the software, garage band.
“We both split the work, for the most part, I’d say Paige does more of editing than I do. For the planning of the podcast, we just come up with that throughout the week because different things happened during the week and we’re like this would be a good topic to talk about,” Hannah explained.
“I think we both contribute to both parts so we’ll each do some editing and we’ll each come up with some ideas for the outlining. But, yeah, I mainly do more than Hannah,” Paige added.
In the podcast the sisters share funny moments, stories from their lives, talk to guests and give insight on life as a teen during a pandemic.
Being a teen in quarantine isn’t always easy but like Paige said “things are rough right now, but it’ll get better.”