Graphic by Drew Maiers
Although the 2016 election may not necessarily be fresh in the minds of the public, presidential candidates have been planning their campaigns ever since the last election ended. Two of the rumored candidates for this upcoming election, former Senator and U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and famed business mogul Donald Trump, have had extensive coverage in the media lately. Seeing as Clinton, however, has actually had political experience in her past, it is evident that she is the most viable option.
Trump, a member of the Republican Party, and Clinton, a Democratic politician, have very different approaches and stances regarding politics in general, and more specifically the Presidential position.
Clinton, a long standing political figure best known for her affiliation with former President Bill Clinton and her own political endeavors, ran for office in the last election, causing her to be seen as a likely and authentic option. She was also recently named Barbara Walters’ “Most Fascinating Person of 2013,” resulting in even more public attention and fame.
Despite this influx of public popularity, Clinton is undecided at the moment as to what her plans are for the immediate future.
“Obviously, I will look carefully at what I think I can do and make that decision sometime next year,” Clinton said in a recent Barbara Walters interview when asked about her potential presidential run.
Trump, on the other hand, has had no official political experience whatsoever, except for his stunt in the 2012 election.
Trump claims to have dropped out of the last election due to a need to work on his business endeavours, but has been talking very much recently about getting in the next race.
“America is not headed in the right direction, and that worries me,” Trump said in a recent interview with Reuters. “I want to talk about what needs to be done,” he added.
Although Trump wants to discuss what needs to be changed in Washington, his lack of experience prohibits him from actually being able to accomplish this. Clinton, who has served as both a Senator and a Secretary of State, has a clearer view of what really needs to be done to get America back on track.
Currently, Clinton is ranked number 5 on Forbes List of Powerful Women, which also states that she is an incredibly likely candidate for the 2016 election. Not only this, but Forbes also published that “Sixty-five percent of Democrats say they’ll vote Team Hillary, while another poll has her beating the two Republican forerunners by 52 percent.”
Clearly, Clinton is not only the front runner, but the strongest presidential candidate that has been publicly seen in the past few months of election media coverage. When looking towards her past in politics, it is clear that she has a bright future in the best interest of the nation.