Photo by Ellsa Ohmann
'A Star is Born' starting Bradley Cooper and Lady Gaga, grossed over $30 million early Oct. and continues as a fan favorite.
“Jack: Can I tell you a secret?
[Ally looks over to him]
Jack: I think you might be a songwriter. And don’t worry, I won’t tell anybody. But I’m not very good at keeping secrets.”
A Star Is Born starts off when booming rock star with severe alcohol abuse, Jack (Bradley Cooper), spots a young woman, Ally (Lady Gaga), performing at a drag bar. Overtaken with her voice and beauty, he buys her a drink and is overwhelmed by her feisty stubborn personality. As she sings him a song she’s been writing, he is in awe and they spend the night talking and falling for each other. The next day he convinces her to come to his show because he needs to see her again. While performing, Jack pulls Ally on stage and starts singing her song. As the two perform for the crowd, both recognize the crowd’s enthusiasm for Ally. And so their relationship and Ally’s career has essentially begun.
This 4th remake of A Star Is Born has made roughly $30 million in the few weeks it has been showing in theatres. Directed and written by Bradley Cooper, this jaw dropping film already has its sights on the Oscars.
One big topic surrounding this movie was the leading lady being none other than award winning Lady Gaga. In the past she has been most recognized for her pop songs and new roles in the hit series, American Horror Story. At only 32 years old Gaga is worth roughly $275 million, and is an American sensation.
“I feel like her performance was really well, it was a lot better towards the beginning. She was very true to herself. It seemed like it wasn’t like all pop and covered by media,” sophomore Izy Gallachant said.
“I feel like for all of her costumes and music it’s kind of over the top. It’s kind of cool to see her purely without makeup. I was like oh she’s actually really pretty, I’ve never really seen her like that, it was cool,” junior Delaney Wagner added.
Of course having Lady Gaga in the film, the audience had high expectations for the music. The soundtrack for the movie was held at number one on the Billboard 200 for two weeks straight. Added onto that the song, “Shallow” is number seven on Spotify’s “Today’s Top Hits”. On top of music, the movie was filled with emotional, heartfelt acting and jaw dropping scenes.
“I thought it was a really good movie. Like, it literally made me cry. It was so good. And the ending was really unexpected,” Gallachant added.
“I cried, and I don’t cry during movies,” Wagner added.
With the combination of some of the hottest actors there is, a phenomenal soundtrack, scenes that make viewer’s jaws drop jaw drop and trigger multiple emotions this movie is one that puts big name actors in raw situations we’re not used to seeing, as well as a very well portrayed script that leaves you interested and guessing.
“Look, talent comes everywhere, but having something to say and a way to say it so that people listen to it, that’s a whole other bag. And unless you get out and you try to do it, you’ll never know. That’s just the truth. And there’s one reason we’re supposed to be here is to say something so people want to hear. So you got to grab it, and you don’t apologize, and you don’t worry about why they’re listening, or how long they’re going to be listening for, you just tell them what you want to say,” Jack added in the beginning of the film.
To those interested in seeing this production, it is highly recommended and worth viewers’ time and money to see.