Throughout NFL history there have been many controversies about incidents involving players, coaches and other involved parties. Out of these controversies, one is very important. Roger Goodell is the commissioner for the NFL and he has had many shady moments and bad choices in his career. Many fans and supporters of the NFL hate him and his choices, which may bring up an important decision for the NFL. Goodell should be fired because his mistakes and choices have hurt the NFL and their name.
Goodell’s mistakes upset NFL fans. “He’s made mistakes that have made me straight up face palm it is so irritating to see hem dig himself a hole he can’t climb out of. Depressing,” said sophomore Bailey Helke.
Goodell has made mistakes that punished his reputation as commissioner. “The league locked out its referees at the start of the 2012 season over a labor dispute, which in itself was controversial enough. But the replacement referees’ mistakes made this an all-time bad decision on NFL commissioner Roger Goodell’s part,” editor Cameron McDonough said in his 2012 sports article. Goodell’s choice to replace the referees has had many repercussions.
Goodell’s choices have upset coaches of the New England Patriots and other popular teams.
“New England Patriots fans will remember the week three game against the Baltimore Ravens, which ended on a controversial “made” field goal. The Ravens got the win, and Patriots coach Bill Belichick received a fine for grabbing a referee,” McDonough said, the replacement referees were inexperienced, and reflected poorly on the NFL and Goodell.
Goodell has also been part of some public relations nightmares as well, “Goodell suspended Ray Rice for two games after a domestic violence incident involving the Baltimore Ravens running back’s then-fiancée. But there turned out to be more to the story, and there was a video to prove it. In the video, Rice punched Janay Palmer in the face before dragging her out of an elevator. Rice eventually was released by the Ravens and suspended indefinitely by the NFL,” McDonough said. “There still are many unanswered questions after reports surfaced that the NFL saw the video before suspending Rice for just two games.” The NFL could have covered it up to prevent bad publicity.
There are theories that Goodell saw the video tape before it was publicized but ignored it.
“Goodell cannot survive this. The NFL lives by the videotape when it comes to money-making football games. ‘Let’s go to the videotape’ is a well-known phrase. Yet when it came to the videotape of Ray Rice’s infamous assault on his then-fiancée, suddenly the NFL never saw it, although an unnamed law enforcement official says that it was sent to the NFL. Astounding. The NFL has to get to the bottom of this through an investigation and then it needs to create policies that take domestic abuse far more seriously — whether they see a tape of it or not, ” editorial writer Sharon Broussard said. The rumor that the NFL could try to cover up domestic violence is atrocious.
Goodell also makes an extremely high salary, “According to documents released Tuesday, Roger Goodell, the NFL commissioner, made $34.1 million in compensation in 2014, a year in which editorial boards of large newspapers and advocacy groups were calling for his ouster,” sports editorial NESN writer Adam Chandler said. He is making enormous amounts of money. Goodell makes so much that big newspapers and groups want him fired.
Goodell has mad many mistakes during his career, important mistakes the have caused a bad public image of the NFL. There is now rumors that he tried to cover up domestic violence while living on a comfortable salary of $34.1 million a year. Goodell should be fired because his mistakes and choices have hurt the NFL and their name.