Users have mixed reviews about iOS 10 and iPhone 7

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    The average teenager can barely last a class period without their phone. Opinions and facts about iOS 10, the latest iPhone update, and iPhone 7 have been in discussion since they were released earlier last month.

    There are mixed reviews about the new iPhone features. Some users highly recommend that others update their current phone or buy an iPhone 7. On the contrary, some believe that their current device is the best and doesn’t need to be changed.

    I think people should stick with their current phone that they have now because the iPhone 7 is not much of a change from the iPhone 6.

    — Amanda Kretman

    A lot of users didn’t like iOS 10 when it first came out because they were simply not used to the changes, such as the redesigned lock screen. Before the update, a simple swipe over and insert of the password would unlock the phone. Now, when a user swipes one way or another, either apps or the camera appears. The new update allows a click of the home button and insert of the password to unlock the phone.

    “When I first got the update I was kind of disappointed because I didn’t think Apple needed all of these new features. But then, after all my friends were saying how much they liked it and sent me drawings, I learned to like it and learned it was a new way to communicate with one another,” junior Meghan Junker said.

    Junker added, “I have learned to love the update, especially on my friends’ birthdays when I can send them balloons and confetti,”

    People who have not done much research or looked beyond the resemblance don’t realize all the features that have been incorporated into the iPhone 7.

    “I think people should stick with their current phone that they have now because the iPhone 7 is not much of a change from the iPhone 6,” senior Amanda Kretman said.

    Apple’s newest iPhone is the first ever to be water-resistant. It can survive being fully submerged in water for up to 30 minutes. Apple removed the headphone jack to allow the phone to be water-resistant. The removal also allowed room for new camera systems as well as a 14 percent larger battery, providing an extra two hours of battery life. The transition to a wireless future is inevitable, although some people aren’t ready for it yet.

    “I think people will stick to the iPhone they have now because of the headphone jack removal, I really do. Although, I think the improved camera does make iPhone 7 better,” junior Lexi Smith said.

    The iOS 10 update includes emoji changes and new iMessage features that definitely haven’t gone unnoticed. The phone now makes emoji predictions as people type, highlighting words that can be replaced by an emoji with a single tap. There is also a new option to send music and finger-drawn messages.

    Junker has mixed feelings, “I love to use the drawing feature but sometimes it can be a little annoying. I almost think that all of these features on iMessage is a little much. I mean yeah, sending messages with balloons and invisible ink is pretty cool, but is it necessary?”

    While iPhone 7 opens a window to a wireless future and contains thoughtful improvements, some people are content with their current phone whether they have upgraded to iOS 10 or not. Others have come to enjoy iOS 10 and can see iPhone 7 in their future. Those who already have iPhone 7 with the latest update don’t want to look back.