Politicians need to be more restricted


Graphic by Luke Weisbord

Kate Price

Controversies have been abundant in the world of politics recently. The amount of leeway and freedom that politicians receive may be too much for them to handle.

The United States politicians are some of the people who represent the entire country. If they act poorly that will dampen the United State’s reputation and potentially harm international relations.

Rand Paul, a senator from Kentucky is an example of why restrictions need to be imposed. His actions are unacceptable for a political representative to take part in. This reflects poorly on not only him, but the entire country.

Tom McCarthy from thegaurdian.com said, “Paul finds himself embroiled in allegations of having committed the quintessential crime of intellectual dependency: plagiarism. At least three recent examples have emerged of Paul using words not his own to make salient points on topics as diverse as immigration and criminal justice.”

The tactics politicians use also need to have heavier restrictions. The things that they can get away with are not how a country’s representatives should be chosen. For example, during a recent election in Texas, a white man, Dave Wilson, won against a black man for a position by pretending he was black. Those types of lies should not be tolerated by Americans.

“Wilson, whose tactics were labeled ‘disgusting’ by opponents, sent out fliers to his overwhelmingly black Democrat constituency strongly implying he was black. The fliers had photos of smiling African Americans and were captioned ‘Please vote for our friend and neighbor Dave Wilson,’” said a reporter for nypost.com.

Politicians also have nonsensical views that go against the beliefs of most Americans, things that are not morally correct seem to not matter to politicians. People who think like this are running this country, there need to be stronger restrictions. Todd Akin is a Missouri representative who made infuriating comments about rape.

“Todd Akin made some inflammatory and quite frankly ridiculous claims in a recent interview with KTVI-TV. In the interview, Akin claims that in cases of ‘legitimate rape’ the female body has the capacity ‘to try to shut that whole thing down.’ Referring to pregnancy as the result of a rape, Rep. Akin said he believes a woman’s body can decide it does not want to get pregnant, and subsequently, miraculously, avoid pregnancy. This is an irrational notion grounded in nonsense,” said Callie Brazil a reporter for forcechange.com.

Politicians manipulate voters to win elections and make a joke out of the U.S. Their deceitful ways need to cease so the country can prosper and be a true representation of its people. The current ways of politicians are not ethical.