Key Club leaders Hannah Crawford and Kelia Demming are excited for what the future holds for their club.
Dedicated to instilling leadership, character building, care and inclusiveness into America’s youth, Key Club is a worldwide organization that has recently been added to Stillwater Area High School’s list of clubs. Key Club is put in place of SADD, or students against destructive decisions, and is new this year.
According to Key Club’s website, a few of the many ideals they stand for include, “Giving primacy to the human and spiritual, rather than to the material values of life, to encourage the daily living of the Golden Rule in all human relationships and to promote the adoption and application of higher standards in scholarship, sportsmanship and social contacts.”
The installment of the club at SAHS has had a positive effect on both the students and the surrounding community..
Junior Kyrstin Myhers spoke of how her involvement in Key Club has benefitted both herself and the Stillwater area when she said, “Key Club is recognized internationally and also helps me give back to the community. It’s a great opportunity for students to make a difference, no matter how big or small.”
Key Club is the oldest service program for high school students, and it is also the largest; however, because it is new to Stillwater, many students did not know exactly what to expect from the opportunity. Despite this, they quickly learned the benefits of joining.
Typical projects that Key Club members do include cleaning local parks, organizing food drives, and even building small bridges in certain areas.
The hopes for the Stillwater Key Club in the future mainly central around creating a cohesive and interconnected community right here in the Stillwater area. Seeing how the members have already begun to establish a solid foundation for a successful group in the few months Key Club has started, the future looks very bright for its members and the club as a whole.