Guns are a tool of war used to inflict pain upon and kill the enemy. They are dangerous weapons which have been used on numerous occasions for murders, genocides and war. Colleges are places for an individual to learn and grow; a place for one to thrive, not be murdered by a careless or malicious gunman. College campuses are no place for guns.
Columbine, Sandy Hook, Virginia Tech and Florida State amongst many more are well known because they have had a fair share of a news headlines. A gun or two had made its way on to the campus, killing many and injuring more.
Allowing students and/or staff to conceal and carry on campuses would promote violence rather than prevent it. The president of FSU, John Thrasher, along with Police Chief, David Perry are opposed to guns on campus. It would be hard to distinguish the “good guys” from the “bad guys” (CNN).
Distinguishing between the two types of people can be a fine line to walk, making it more dangerous for law enforcement officers to prevent attacks as well as make students feel less safe. A poll in 2009 revealed that only five percent of people thought that allowing conceal and carry would actually prevent shootings. Another poll in 2013 of students at 15 Midwestern colleges it was discovered that 78 percent of people opposed guns on campuses (CNN).
In many cases with guns, a bystander is shot simply because they happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. Adding more guns to places in society would make the number of injuries and casualties obtained within a single year skyrocket.
Those fighting on the defensive side of gun rights would argue that only those who went through the demanding requirements of gun safety for permits and are interested in possessing one only in the means of self defense would be able to purchase them legally. Assuming this is a just world, it would be perfect.
However, in many cases, such as the Virginia Tech shooting and the Tucson shooting, the gunman purchased the guns legally, stated Daily Trojan. They passed the test appearing as “good guys” got a gun and went on a rampage. Even making it harder to get the guns would not solve the problem, criminals always seem to find a way. Drugs are not legal, but there are still many addicts in the world.
The mind of a student is not fully developed, and while school work and learning are being done, there is a massive amount of drinking and irresponsible decisions are made. Guns are a sign of intimidation and when egos are important to individuals, it is a recipe for disaster.
Fire cannot be used to fight fire. Allowing guns on campus would not prevent the attacks, it would add fuel. Instead of one person shooting into a crowd of innocent victims, multiple people would be sending shots through the air multiplying the chances of someone getting shot and injured or even killed.
The answer to the problem of school shootings cannot be to involve more guns, even if they are meant for protection. Guns cause destruction, death and harm. Bringing them into a place where students are just figuring out themselves is not safe or reasonable. Colleges are not proper environments for such a dangerous machine. The law should not make guns on campuses legal, it should make them illegal to prevent future shootings.