Photo by Kelly Roehrig
Stillwater Culver’s sports its new interior.
Stillwater may not be the largest town, but that does not stop the fast food restaurants from flooding in. Within the last five years there have been over 10 new fast food restaurants that have made a home for themselves in the quaint town. It is beginning to become a bad habit for everyone in the area.
With Stillwater being a town full of busy families, there is a draw for fast food chains. There is a large increase of fast food restaurants coming to Stillwater recently. With the restaurants being all around, people grow accustomed to the convenience. It is cheap and speedy, people think they are getting the best of both worlds.
“Fast-food hours accommodate odd shifts and offer playrooms to appease screaming children and give moms a break. And, after years of calculated expansion, the restaurants are everywhere we are. People also like the way fast food tastes. No matter how often or how loudly food crusaders preach about the nasty and ecologically disastrous bits that end up in those burgers, fast food’s carefully calibrated mix of salt and fat is hard for many to resist,” said Jane Black from The Atlantic.
The fast food places might be an issue for everyone’s health and will power, but it has made for jobs. Students and the unemployed are finding it easier and easier to find a job in the industry. With so many new places around, they are desperate for new workers. The pay might be close to minimum wage, but any job is appreciated. With the jobs open and people unemployed, there is an increasingly large amount of adults that can be found behind the counter.
“Fast food jobs used to be ‘entry level’ positions for high school and college kids who needed work experience and, of course, money. Recently, the face of the fast food worker has changed drastically. No longer a pimply-faced teenager fumbling through his first experience with employment, your cashier is an adult,” said Beth Taylor on for www.payscale.com.
No one has trouble finding a job or a quick place to eat in Stillwater. The fast food business is booming and they are putting the money right back into their stores. Many of the franchises that have been here for a while are so successful that they remodel to try and bring in even more of a crowd. With the business being so good and consumers are always there to buy, the restaurants have money to spare and they are using it wisely.
Steve Rasmuson, owner of the Stillwater Culver’s told the Stillwater Gazette, “the reimage will bring a nice, attractive and classy atmosphere. In the long run, it’s a good investment. Good investment for the community, good investment for [Culver’s].”
There is no doubt that all of the fast food around will lead to an unhealthy population. As of right now, most people are not worried about that and are satisfied with all of the jobs the businesses have created and the ease that they bring to hectic lives. Too oblivious to realize their habits now, it may come back to haunt those who refuse to change their unhealthy ways.