On Sept. 27, a homecoming dance will be held at the Stillwater Area High School to start off the homecoming week. Homecoming week is a way to show off everyone’s school spirit.
The homecoming dance used to be a tradition here, however that tradition ended with a lack of student interest. That is until now, student council is getting students ready and excited for the homecoming dance in hopes they will attend. This could lead to a renewed tradition in the community.
A homecoming dance has not occurred at SAHS in six years. The last one held, only 62 students showed up. For the past six years it was decided a dance would not be held, until recently students said they would be willing to attend the homecoming dance. After hearing this, the student council started to plan the homecoming dance.
Dusty Dennis special education teacher said, “Parents were pushing to have a homecoming dance to bring the communities together and to make memories.”
The dance is open to SAHS students only, however dates are welcome. In order to bring a date whom does not attend SAHS, a guest form will need to be filled out. In order to get tickets, a student ID may be needed, or a name along with a ticket number will be written down.
“Tickets will be around $8,” Dennis said.
The homecoming dance is going to be similar to the Snoball dance held in Dec. Unlike Snoball, it will be held in the school’s gym. Although rumors were going around that this would be a Sadie Hawkins dance it will not. The dance is going to be as straight forward as possible.
Junior Kallie Quist said, “This will be whatever the student body makes of it,” Quist added,”Speaking for student council, we just want to bring back a tradition that Stillwater has lacked for the last six years. Every high school should have a homecoming dance if you ask me.”
The gym will be covered with red, white, and red balloons and streamers. The decorations will be everywhere. When asked what the dance will look like Quist said, “Pony pride to the max!”
Quist added, “As a new member of student council, I’m very excited to be in charge of decorating along with Mary Norkol and Andy Bjerk.”
People are probably wondering, what to wear to homecoming. Attire for this dance will be a semi-formal.
“It won’t be as fancy as prom,” Quist said, “and doesn’t even have to be as fancy as formal/grad.”
To many students at SAHS, the homecoming dance is a new experience. Most don’t know what to expect.
Junior Madison Och said, “Being that I’ve never been to a homecoming dance, I’m curious as to what it will be like,” Och added, “I plan on attending myself and would love to see everyone having fun and enjoying themselves.”
Find something nice yet comfortable to enjoy the homecoming dance as much as possible. The dance will be fun without breaking the bank.