This year at Stillwater Area High School, students seem to be showing up to more and more sporting events such as football, volleyball, and soccer games to cheer on and support athletes, leading to more wins throughout the seasons.
Super fans are “showing up” to the sporting events and the players seem to be as well. So far during the 2014-2015 school year, athletes have been impressing the student body, families, and fans throughout the beginning of the sports seasons.
From the cheers, chants, and social media posts, the student body seems to be having an extremely good time in the student section. “The cheers and the happy environment is the best part because everyone is in a good mood,” said sophomore Corri Gardner.
Super fans are what make sporting events as fun as they are said to be. They put effort and thought into ideas, chants, and themes for each specific game. The super fans have a huge job of getting the student section excited and ready to cheer on athletes to possibly change their performance as the game goes on. Senior super fan Lisse Bohan explained, “enthusiasm and school spirit is extremely important on the fans part, and it most definitely pumps up our team because then the athletes realize the support they have whether they win, or lose.”
According to Bohan, another way to get the student body “rowdy” is tailgating at the beginning of the sporting event. Tailgating occurs most often before football games.
“Tailgating is basically anyone that gets to the game 30 minutes to an hour early. We get together in the school parking lot to socialize, grill food, or just throw the football around,” senior Nick Spiess said. “It’s just another way for the student body to get pumped up for the game,” Spiess added.
Getting everyone together to support athletes became easier as super fans created a Facebook page titled “Pony Fan Page.” It is a big deal for the student body to keep up to date on events and themes, along with ideas the students come up with. Spiess explained, “The Pony Fan Page is basically for the kids at the high school to post and see posts about school sports and other activities. It is also a good way to get everyone involved.”
This 2014-2015 year seniors and super fans have been doing an astounding job with getting sophomores, juniors, and seniors to come together as one and support our athletes. “There is more respect among the student body compared to last year, which makes it a lot easier to cheer and have a great time. It also has a greater effect on the attendance at sporting events,” Bohan said.