Photo by Cacelia Lee
Student Leadership Council helps inform decisions and seats made at the last meeting. Student leaders need to be aware of current events that impact students in the school.
Exposing criminals and the truths of the world are crucial roles of the media. Media today is important, especially now that it is much easier to spread news around using the technology that we have. The public has increased awareness of issues happening around us including the good, bad and the ugly. Students should be more media aware of issues both locally and globally. It can help teens become more active in the community and knowing what is going on globally can affect the perspectives of local issues.
Being media aware can help people connect with others on a deeper level, while also fostering empathy and understanding. Stories that resonate with those that might be in similar situations can make people feel seen and heard. Photos that go with articles and stories are especially very powerful because it can create powerful emotional connections that makes it easier for an audience to sympathize with others.
“If you’re taking in local or global news, you’re able to be more informed and hopefully have more empathy for others situations,” social studies teacher and coach Ryan Miller said.
However, uninformed activism commonly occurs due to not knowing all the facts of an issue and being exposed to only one side of an issue. Many people tend to consume media that aligns with their pre-existing beliefs, and oversimplification by the media can lead to a limited understanding. It is crucial to know the most one can about a subject is very important, especially when trying to spread awareness about it, so that others can ask questions and be able to know the facts.
Not putting in the effort contributes to “slacktivism, you want to be an activist, and engaging through getting information, and following people on Tiktok, but you’re not actually doing anything about it, but it makes you feel good,” social studies teacher Matthew Bergquist said.
“Part of being a social activist is being responsible to your cause, which means being aware of the pros and cons of what is happening. Many people only get the side of the story they want to hear,” English teacher Donald Pults said.
Moreover, social media platforms like Tiktok, Twitter, or Instagram makes spreading misinformation very easy. Especially if it is a very well liked influencer whose following will believe a lot of what they say. A lot of influencers prioritize likes, views and comments over what the reality is so they will resort to things like clickbait and straight up lying. This leads to people spreading and believing misinformation about events, and sparking possible debates.
On the other hand, media plays a dual role in both defying and reinforcing stereotypes. The media defies against stereotypes by highlighting diversity, while incorporating those with diverse backgrounds and showing people in stereotyped groups defying the conventional expectations, breaking down the stereotypes. Media adds on to stereotypes through simplistic portrayals and underrepresentation.
Pults described that media is like a six-sided sword, posing dangers in multiple ways. While media awareness can play a significant role in breaking down stereotypes, social media can just as easily reinforce them.
Media awareness influences teens, shaping their perspectives, self and way of thinking. When it comes to media, theres so many good things that occur when readers are obtaining information. Likewise, there are just as many things bad as good.