Photo by Sumer Harrington
Tanner Voight practicing on the field with Chance Swenson after school. The Ponies have made it to Section FInals that will take place Nov. 5th.
Senior year is a time for finding what you love and trying new things. About 57% of high schoolers are a part of a school sport, and around 43% are multi-sport athletes. Tanner Voight is one of those students a part of the 43%.
Football is not an individual sport. Players must be good on their own but need to know how to work with others. Voight is not only an excellent player but also a great teammate.
“He brings a positive energy all the time. He’s great and he’s a phenomenal athlete,” senior Connor McCormick said when asked about how Voight plays.
Staying busy, Voight tackles life off the field, as well. It is essential to have a good balance between school, sports, work, and extracurriculars.
“I have a job at Joseph’s and that can be time consuming as well with sports but then there’s different clubs like FCA, which is Fellowship of Christian Athletes. And then church on top of that, so it makes for a busy schedule,” Voight explains when asked what he does outside of school.
Aside from his stressful schedule, football has been a positive addition to this athlete’s life. Creating bonds, friendships and giving him new experiences.
“I like the bigger team community because in baseball, you get 20 guys tops and that’s your team. With football there’s so many different kinds of people there and so you get really a different view with as many people as there are,” Voight explains what he enjoys about his new sport.
Overcoming the new and different dynamic, Voight has been named an essential player. It is not uncommon to do this well your first year on the football team, but he is one of those needed players.
“He’s got good hands, you know, has athleticism and is coachable. It’s doing a good job. He has a very important role on the team because when we run our main running play, which we call power, he has to have a main block right at the point of attack,” Mike Purhmann, coach of 20 years, said about his new player.
In like fashion, Voight also brings an unique playing style to the team.
“He plays fullback for us. He’s a strong kid, coachable kid. It’s [fullback] got a little size to them, you know. And so, that’s the beauty behind football. No matter what your size or shape or ability we can find a spot for you. And he’s found a pretty good spot at fullback,” Purhmann said, comparing Voight’s playing style to Mike Alstott.
Voight began his senior year scouted by not only one, but two schools for baseball- St. Scholastica and Kansas Wesleyan.
“Scouts like multi-sport athletes, so I figured, why not give it a try?” Voight says, who has only been playing football officially for the last few months, already making a name for himself.
Tanner Voight is not only an excellent baseball player, but also an excellent football player and teammate. Voight has been a great addition to the Stillwater Ponies Football team, aiding them in the playoffs and sections.