Graphic by Clara Illka
Currently undergoing its way is a possible world war starting at the heart of Ukraine in the city of Crimea. The leader of Ukraine, Viktor F. Yanukoyvch, abandoned his post last month and is now the leader of Russia. The United States has cut off trade and any ties with them, and is making threats as to getting into another world war.
In the light of the situation, it would be in the United States’ best interest to intervene and help Ukrainian people because they are not even trying. The U.S. could provide money and it should remain peaceful because Russia has troops set up all around Crimea and could possibly be attacking them and it is best for everyone in Ukraine if Russia is isolated. That way no harm will come to the people of Ukraine and war will not result by this.
The United States has not made any decisions about how to handle the Ukraine situation, but some decisions need to be made like getting involved more.
A reporter from the Guardian said, “In this situation, the best policy for the west would be to insist on the peaceful resolution of the interregional conflicts in Ukraine.”
This is true, because no one wants another cold war like after World War II. For the people of Crimea this could be a very dangerous situation and potentially end badly. The best option for the United States is to try and solve this peacefully so no one gets hurt.
Karen DeYoung, a reporter from the Washington Post said, “With no substantive response to his demands that Russia withdraw its troops from the autonomous Ukrainian region of Crimea, President Obama said Moscow was ‘on the wrong side of history’ and threatened ‘a whole series of steps – economic, diplomatic’ – that will isolate Russia and will have a negative impact on Russia’s economy and its status in the world.”
If Russia does not listen to the countries threatening them, for example the United States, there are going to be serious consequences for them. If the country is isolated then there is not much that is possible to do and the economic system will break down. It will not be known for being ranked high in the international standings.
According to Catherine E. Shoichet, a reporter from the New York Times said, “As diplomats at the meeting asked Russia to withdraw its troops and called for mediation to end the crisis, Russian Ambassador Vitaly Churkin insisted his country’s aims were preserving democracy, protecting millions of Russians in Ukraine and stopping radical extremists.”
Russia is saying that by putting troops in Crimea that it is okay because there are many Russian people living there. Therefore, it is the duty of the Russian troops to protect those people from “radical extremists” who might try and harm them. According to them, there are no plans to take over Crimea or East Ukraine.
As time goes on, the affects of this will certainly become visible to the world and then the United States will make the decision whether or not to intervene and if it is in the best interests of the people of Ukraine as well as the United States.