Music streaming reaches mind-reading levels

Photo by Jasmine Hearne

Beats have created a new app which allows listeners to play their favorite music. also said, “Our creators are driven by a passion for music. They know the only thing as important as the song you’re hearing now is the song that comes next. Their expertise, combined with the best technology, always delivers the right music to you at the right time.”

Carson Kuball

Music has always been a very popular part of our culture. It has been around since the beginning of time and has evolved with technology throughout the years. People are constantly searching for new ways to listen to their favorite songs and genres of music. From Pandora to iTunes radio to Spotify, the Internet has found several ways for people to do just that.

Beats, a trending music brand created by rapper and hip hop producer, Dr. Dre, most popular for its headphones and audio equipment, has recently developed a new way to stream music. Their newest innovation, Beats Music, is an app that allows listeners to always be listening to their favorite music.

Beats Music claims that by telling them where you are and how you are feeling, they can create an entire playlist perfectly suited for that moment. The idea is that, while listening to music, a person will never hear a song that doesn’t connect to their situation or current emotions in some way.

“What if you could always have the perfect music for each moment, effortlessly? Tell Beats Music where you are, what you’re feeling and who you’re with and we’ll serve you a unique stream of music that fits your situation perfectly,” according to

The app focuses on the specific person and the music they listen to. People can like or dislike songs, follow band or genres, all to give the app an idea of what they listen to. The people at Beats believe music should not be interrupted, so this music streaming site has been made ad free. They are dedicated to providing the perfect music to each person at the right times. also said, “Our creators are driven by a passion for music. They know the only thing as important as the song you’re hearing now is the song that comes next. Their expertise, combined with the best technology, always delivers the right music to you at the right time.”

The only downside to this mind-reading music app, is the $10 monthly fee. $120 a year can seem a little pricey when it comes to just listening to music, but that’s why Beats Music offers a free trial so consumers can decide if it is really as great as it is said to be.

The music industry is constantly finding new ways to provide for the best listening experiences. Music streaming at any time, in any place, with the perfect music for a specific person, seems to be the most popular route to take. Beats Music has discovered a new way to make music fanatics go crazy.