Social studies teacher becomes student for a day

Katie Hutton, Online Editor-in-Chief

image1 (3)A long, grueling process of learning must be completed over a number of years in order to become a teacher. Most teachers work incredibly hard to get to their position, but in social studies teacher Molly Siebert’s classroom, senior Alexa Thurmes only needed to fill out an application to become a teacher for a day.

On Dec. 16 Siebert and Thurmes switched roles, with Siebert taking the place of a student and Thurmes that of a teacher. Thurmes got the opportunity to teach sociology and world history, while Siebert took Thurmes’ classes. Thurmes had to stand in front of students and teach curriculum just as Siebert would do a different day, while Siebert took classes like physics and government.

“The weirdest thing is having [the students] call me Miss Thurmes,” Thurmes said. “It’s more difficult when I know people.”

The easiest aspect was for Thurmes to get the students’ attention, while the hardest was feeling like the authority in a room. Whatever the hardships were, Thurmes did not regret her decision of signing up for this project.

“I think it was an interesting experiment,” Thurmes said.